Surveys and videos in our discussions
Hi, how you are? I wait that well.
Good, I comment to them that I have a forum (they can visit it in with several addons that I could lower from this page.
The question is that in order that my forum is more complete lack two addons, it wanted to know if you know and can help me.
1) You poll in our discussions. I have downloaded Poll 1.3, but it is not for what I look, I want to be able to put surveys in my discussions. You know of algun addon that works this way?
2) Videos (of the type of youtube) in our discussions. That addon I can use to put this type of videos?
From already thank you very much!
bien ya he hecho algunas modificaciones y pude hacer funcionar el tema de los videos.
con respecto a mi primer pregunta he visto en algunos foros que cuando vos pones para crear un tema da la opcion de crear una encuesta y agregar campos a ella, asi:
campo 1) "Es divertido"
campo 2) "No es divertido"
campo 3) "Ni me va, ni me viene"
y asi, entonces los usuarios despues pueden votar por algun campo y aparece el porcentaje de votos