I am using only ExtendedTextFormatter. How can I have the thickbox efffect on every link my users post in the comment box.
Any help will be greatly appreceated.
You'll need to modify (extend? ;)) the Extended Text Formatter extension to place a class of "thickbox" on all anchors. Without having ever looked at the code for the ETF, I would imagine this could be as simple as adding a line to the default.php, but without looking closer I can't tell.
You would also need the JQuery extension installed and the Thickbox plugin enabled. Some time soon (ie. this year) I will be updating the JQuery extension to jQuery 1.3 and ensuring it works with Vanilla 1.1.8 and plays nice with Notifi - I'll try and remember to see if there's anything I can do here as well (it is possible to do it purely in jQuery that would affect ALL formatters, not just the ETF).
OK, I just grabbed the ETF and if you change line 42 from this: "<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$0</a>", to this "<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"thickbox\">$0</a>", then it should work... I've not tested this, so try at your own peril (it shouldn't break anything, at worst it should just "not-work"). Ensure you have the Thickbox plugin enabled in the JQuery Extension as well though
Thanks man I got it to working. Actually I was stupid to post this message, i got it working after an hour i posted this message by the same process you suggested but i used shadowbox. Actually my forum has images, links to other sites and youtube videos all submitted by the users. I used shadowbox cuz i think it is the only one to play video directly from youtube but found that the version doesn't support. It opens whole youtube site. The new version support directly embedding the video to the shadowbox. I tried to use the new version on my local computer unsuccessfully. If small tweaks can do this then please suggest. If I modify Extended text formatter by the embedding code given by you tube then it wont work for the images. Also what do you think of adding the plugin lightwindowto JQuery.
"<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$0</a>",
to this
"<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"thickbox\">$0</a>",
then it should work... I've not tested this, so try at your own peril (it shouldn't break anything, at worst it should just "not-work"). Ensure you have the Thickbox plugin enabled in the JQuery Extension as well though