Vanilla 1.1.9 Released

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited September 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Vanilla 1.1.9 has been released and is now available at

This version fixes a bug in the installer. The upgrade is very simple, instructions are here.

A big thank you to all of the contributors!


  • Is Vanilla 1 going to continue to have upgrades? I was just curious about that
  • Can Vanilla 1 upgrade to 2? I was just curious about that
  • @vicred: Once version 2 is out of beta testing I could only assume there will be an upgrade path that can be taken for version 1 owners.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There already is an upgrade script for the V1 -> V2 import - but it needs testing before we tell people about it :/
  • In the install instructions for upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 it says...

    "(there might be any $Configuration['HTTP_METHOD']). It should either be set to "http" or "https"."

    Was it supposed to be "there might not be any"? 'Cause I don't have a HTTP_METHOD.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @reflector - Good eye! I think you're right that Dinoboff meant to say "there might not be any". You can safely add that setting and make it "http" - unless you're using https, of course.
  • I have an installation of Vanilla 1.1.4 at Is it possible for me to upgrade directly to 1.1.9 or do I have to do it incrementally to 1.1.5. 1.1.6 etc.

    I have read over the upgrade instructions and I just want to clarify one thing. If I use an FTP client I would just upload all of the contents of 1.1.9 into where I have 1.1.4 installed and that will upgrade it. Right?
  • edited September 2009
    You can just copy over Vanilla 1.1.9 other your current installation (be carefull with the conf/ and themes/ folder, your os might overwrite them instead of merging them - you could lose your settings and themes). You should check the discussion about upgrading to 1.1.5. There is a change to the database schema; In some cases (that I fail to remember the details), the login was broken.

    To check everything works fine, after upgrading to 1.1.9, log-out, log-in, log-out again and then login. On the first login, vanilla will reset your password hash (vanilla 1.1.4 hash password is weak). The second time you login, it will use the new hash.

    Here is a fix if you have this issue:
  • Dinoboff, thank you for your help. Success!
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  • Thanks Dinoboff! I upgrade from 1.1.5a to 1.1.9 and looks like it went well so far. I appreciate the developers efforts and the community support. <3 !
  • testing the forum software. liking it alot!!!
  • We've been testing 1.1.9 and found an issue with Private Message Extension 1.1. when trying to send a PM all test users gets the error:
    'Some problems were encountered
    You must select a category for this discussion'

    Admin user went to:
    Settings> Extension Options > Private Messages

    Confirmed and 'saved' correct Category and error still appears. Should I take this to the issue tracker?
  • heya mark, i believe there's an update check problem for vanilla 1x on the new addon server. New extensions uploaded onto are not not detected by vanilla 1.1.9.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @vanoob - I think you're right. We'll need to get that fixed ASAP...
  • hey mark, thought i'd keep you updated but with regards to the update check problem for vanilla 1x. No feedback are being returned to vanilla. Does vanilla 1x need it's update url changed? or will you be able to pass the check from to vanillaforums?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @vanoob - I'll be able to redirect the check. I'm working on a ton of issues related to the addons site this week. Should get it fixed up in a few days.
  • @mark yeah it's cool, yeah i figured there might be other problems as well, we're not in a hurry. Just keeping you updated. I believe most of us here know what we are after for addons and know how to obtain them anyway. Good luck, we'll see you on the other side :)
  • Should new installs go straight for Vanilla 2 ? I want to experiment with a semi-forum-mailing list if this can be done..
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