Vanilla and rapidweaver

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi guys!

I was wondering if somebody's using rapidweaver with vanilla who could help get more use of vanilla. I would like to integrate vanilla as much as possible to rapidweaver!

For exampel: I would like to show the first 10 discussions in a stack on my webpage.. is this possible?

Oh, and by the way.. is it possible to change the name "discussion".. like if I want to have a button to right which says "Start a Game"...

Hope you can help.. Thanks!


  • I also forgot.. Is it possible to change the width somehow?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You can change language definitions easily, but it is different depending on which version of Vanilla you are using. You can grab discussions from the rss feeds and pull them into other pages that way.
  • Hi Mark. Thanks for the reply. I'm using vanilla 2.

    How can I change the language definitions if that is what it's called (I want to change the name of the "Start a news Discussion" button").

    What I want to do with the grabbing discussions thing, is to display the newest discussions (10 or something like that) in my frontpage. Is that possible?
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