Users to edit own posts?
Hi, Vanilla 2.1 I am trying to fathom roles and permissions but I think I need a little help. I'd like users to be able to edit their own posts for 1hr. I can see the drop down list in advance but it… (View Post)1 -
Re: Won't enlarge on ipad?
There is a fix for the delete!! If anyone is reading this and needs help, there is a fix to make the delete dialogue box come up for those using bootstrap and using file upload. Follow this link and … (View Post)1 -
Re: Won't enlarge on ipad?
Ahhh this has made everything clear. Its the bootstrap theme stopping the popup coming up and its stopping tablets from viewing the images. I have found this from using the agent switcher and looking… (View Post)1 -
Re: Won't enlarge on ipad?
ahh download permissions let me go and check. lol if I was a millionaire I would send you one, you have been so lovely in helping me :D (View Post)2