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Re: Features Question - Is Vanilla Right For Me?
Hello, With a knowledge for databases and PHP, you can make sure of Vanilla Forums in WordPress. Technically, it's separate from WordPress as it is it's own framework. You can easily build Vanilla Fo… (View Post)1 -
Re: Vanilla vs. other forums > no premium themes
There's definitely a difference in markets and I won't argue that. Perhaps I overlooked that point. The fact though is that there is interest in premium themes, I can see this from scouring Google se… (View Post)2 -
Re: Edits made by admin, or administrative original poster are not being saved
Hi there, I am also currently using and not having these issues myself. Do you have any plugins installed? I saw in some past discussions there are some Editor plugins that will do this. Ch… (View Post)1 -
Re: for sign up, can you remove "gender" from the query on the sign up page?
Hi, Just wanted to chime in on this as I removed this option as well. Wouldn't adding the "/dashboard/design/views/..." file to your theme achieve this? For example, what I've done (using t… (View Post)1 -
Re: Fatal Error in Gdn_Autoloader.RegisterMap();
Hello, I am not running PHP 5.5 on this server. Currently running 5.4. The error was displayed "prior" to debug being enabled. I did that to see the issue. No worries though, as explained a… (View Post)1