AdminR_J Admin
Re: Can I Make New Comments Appear at the Top of the Comments Right After You Click "Post Comment"
Based on what you've found I have taken a look at the file and the context around that line is this: if (gdn.definition('PrependNewComments') == '1') { $(json.Data).prependTo('ul.Comments,.Discussion… (View Post)3 -
Re: Vanilla 2.2 beta 1 is now available
Sorry for asking a dumb GitHub question again, but where would I find that? Do you mean all the open issues? (View Post)2 -
Re: Setting up Sublime Text with phpcs
Microsoft VS Code @donshakespeare May I ask what the advantages for you are, that made you change to VS Code? Based on its reputation, I tried it, but startup time is (from my feelings) instantanious… (View Post)3 -
Re: Menu at top
The easiest way would be to copy the keystone theme (I assume you are using that?) and then add {activity_link} right below {discussions_link} in "themes/your-new-theme/views/default.master.tpl&… (View Post)1 -
Re: When I press show all, it trigger "post discussion"
Sorry, I've tried it with Vanilla 3.3 and cannot even see the "Show all", "Show less" button. But it totally relies on JavaScript and therefore I'm not able to fix it easily. I si… (View Post)1