E-mail notifications?

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I'm really liking Vanilla 2, but I'm wondering about if there is or will be e-mail notifications set up for the forum, or if that's something which will need to be coded as an add-on. Is there an option anywhere to enable e-mail notifications of responses to your posts?



  • I see that. Is there any indication of when that'll happen? Are there hypothetical dates associated with the road map?
  • I guess it's for when it's released.

    And latest date for that was october/november.
  • Any progress on this one?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    email notification are working, though vanillaforums.org community is not up to date with github, hence that's why it's not working there.
  • retoidretoid New
    edited April 2010
    I noticed that the notifications on my V2 install send emails out. However on vanillaforums.org notifications show up under the notifications tab under the users profile page and a number is added next to the user profile link and when new notifications are present, and no emails are sent. Is there a simple way of toggling email notifications on/off yet retaining the same sort of notification function that is currently used on vanillaforums.org?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    -> "My Preferences" in your account
  • retoidretoid New
    edited April 2010
    ? Maybe I wasn't clear what I was asking.

    I want to enable notification on vanilla only, no email notifications. So notifications would show up under my profile/notifications only. Know what I am saying?

    Like an option to:
    Send email notifications? yes/no
    Enable site notifications? yes/no
  • As luc said, the My preferences on your profile page will allow you to turn off the Email notifications. You should still get the normal notifications.
  • retoidretoid New
    edited April 2010
    Ugh, my bad. For some reason it seemed like I was not receiving notifications if the email notifications where checked off. I was completely wrong heh. Sorry luc. And thank you.
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