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Too long name bug

edited September 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I am new in Vanilla communty and I want to say I am really excited.

I found a little bug today in version 2. If I want to make a category with too long name I get an error. Look at Vanilla printscreen.

I make an experiment. I create an short name category. Than I have tried to expand a name and I got little notification "Name is 5 characters too long." and everything was OK.


  • Looks like the Name field in the Categories table is limited to 30 characters (why though? seems an odd thing to limit on the database side) and they missed a check.
  • I think it is easy to limit with html or javascript and it's not any problems with php or database...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That is a problem. Did anyone submit this to GitHub? I don't remember seeing it there.

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