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Good free stats package?

Does anyone know a good, free, stats package?

i've been using statcountex which is ok but the code doesn't validate :-(


  • BenBen
    edited October 2005
    I'm using Shortstat, made by Shaun Inman before Mint came along.

    Also, Delineate looks like it'll be rather good.
  • edited October 2005
    Does it have to pimp the visitor count? Or can it just be a stat page that you view to get a reading?

    You might want to check this out Refer

    Oh, and have to add that I'm also using Shortstat on my personal page
  • I setup awstats for my bro on his server - its nice and detailed and colourful. I dunno if it validates and it can be a bit of a bitch sometimes though.
  • unfortunately i can't use shortstat cause my site is asp. is a shame cause it looked good.
  • Shortstat is nice, however it's a bit buggy in regards to how people view or if they refresh the page with shortstat attached. It's good though otherwise.
  • The referers don't work for me because our domain is stupid and opens in a frame.
  • I used to run referrerLib.php for tracking referrers, just now switched to textism's refer. Quite nice! I like the fact that it can delete old referer loggings. referrerLib.php couldn't do that and I had a 25mb mysql table full of simple text line referrer logs!
  • I use Shortstat. I like it, and there is a plugin for it in WordPress. Its funny though, the WP plugin works better and gives more stats than Shortstat by itself.
  • edited November 2005
    i wonder if google have the answer...
  • i'm surprised no-one's interested in that ^^
  • Isn't that somesort of analysis engine to determine what kind of advertising to use or something like that.
  • Nah it's free urchin stats for your site! I'm trying it out now.. it's all hooked up but they say it'll take around 12 hours for it to show up. I'm still sticking with Mint since it's live stat reporting, but analytics will be pretty good for a second take on my site.
  • For whatever reason, Google just makes me leery now. They have their hands in so many things, and it makes me wonder exactly why that is.
  • tell me how analytics goes, i'm interested... but i can't try it.... ISP reasons for right now until i get a dedicatd server
  • Well all you have to do is add a line or two of javascript to the page you want it to track, that's all :)
  • jesusphreak: Yeah, now with this they have a good idea on what type of sites get what type of people and how popular they are.
  • I'm trying it out too. It's only a Javascript call and it will be interesting to compare against my Mint stats.
  • edited November 2005
    You might want to try out Slimstat. I've been using it for my blog and gallery. Love it.
  • Wow...this actually seems like a pretty genius way for Google to completely dominate the search market. With stats about every single site and what people visit there, how can you lose?
  • What I hate about statengines like shortstat is that they are fine to track down visitor statistics, but I really like the olden day statengines that could tell me what kind of resolutions people had, and how many of them had flash and javascript enabled, they were useful information when making a revamp of a site or designing completely new one. Like in this current project I'm making, I would love to know how many visitors actually have flash enabled, and javscript would be cool too. Not to mention that when I'm building a layout, I'm guessing that most of the people use 10x7 resolution or higher.
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