I don't know how that ended up as a search term for my site but it worked. I can't replicate the search so possible erroneous or they looked past the first page.
I have a just started with Vanilla yesterday and I think it's great!
Currently I'm using Slimstat for my weblog. Is there any possibility to use Slimstat with Vanilla. Does anybody know how I can configure Vanilla, to use the stats.php file from Slimstat?
The installation guide of Slimstats says:
3. Include the inc.stats.php file in your PHP wherever you would like stats to be counted. Use code similar to:
@include_once( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/slimstat/inc.stats.php" );
Many thanks in advance,
Assuming you're on 0.9.2.x i *think* if you stick that somewhere in your appg/init_internal.php file it should do the trick. I'd suggest you remove the @ from the front of the include_once when you do so just to make sure it's not giving any errors (you can stick it back on once you're satisfied, up to you) You'll need to make sure that path remains correct too.
i was thinking of getting MINT, but read, NOT FOR WINDOWS SERVERS. crap...
anyone noe of any solution as good as mint, but for windows too?
im doing a WAMP right now...
i dont mind paying like 30 bucks for it (mint)
ok someone slap me.
windows servers meant like MS servers..
AMP on windows is fine...
Sucky thing is that i havent even got my domain name to test with yet. and not going to purchase a licence for localhost...
license for localhost? wtf? you don't need to do anything of the sort. Simply locate your hosts file and assign yourself whatever name/domain you like and set up apache to recognize it. given you'll have to do this to all machines on your local network as well. A good way to practice is using a http://dyndns.org or similar service address. I've been using them for a couple years and it's really useful while being free. its great stuff.
I've been using phpmv2 http://www.phpmyvisites.net/ for about a month and also mint for about 3 weeks. I like them both. But phpmv2 is free open source. I like the data it gives better than mint, but mint sure is better looking. I like them both. Mint has a lot of potential for building extensions, but I can't do that! A lot of the stuff that would need a mint extension is already in phpmv2. I like them both, but I am not going to put mint on anymore sites, due to its cost and my low number of visits! phpmv2 does fine for me.
Yeah, but the keyword there is "practically", understandably inman has put a great deal of work into it, but to my knowledge, it only tracks pages you include it in to get the real specific data, I just don't see that as being extremely helpful unless your site is entirely template based.
I don't get a lot of hits but I was expecting to see the 10 or so that I do get!
I don't know how that ended up as a search term for my site but it worked. I can't replicate the search so possible erroneous or they looked past the first page.