My Picture and Edit my tumbnail

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is this a bug?
I can crop my picture in firefox, but it does nothing.
And in IE I can't crop .. no selection box thingee


  • ok in firefox I *can* crop my picture .. but it doesn't update in my profile .. probably a caching issue I guess
  • I don't think it's a caching issue because every new photo should be named a new string of random characters. In any case, ctrl + F5 will refresh without cache.
  • my picture before cropping:

    My picture after cropping

    my profile page here still hasn't updated :( .. but my thumbnail has

    My prfile page displays

    as my thumbnail


    as my "picture"

    I'm guessing the the thumbnail is some jquery magic?
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2009
    Vanilla makes 3 versions of photos: Profile size (p), preview size (t), and thumbnail size (n). The letter in parenthesis corresponds to the first letter in the file name. Above, you've only linked to the thumbnail and profile versions.

    I think you're misunderstanding the photo cropper. It's meant to let you choose what part of your profile picture appears in the thumbnail version (which is what's shown in discussions). What I'm seeing next to your name in this discussion is indeed a cropped version of the tall and thin profile picture you've selected. It seems to be working as intended :)
  • if I go to "profile"->"edit my thumbnail" and right click on both images-->view image (or use firebug to view the image) they both point to

    It looks to me like the cropping is done with jquery, but the jquery plotted point on the "picture" aren't save for future viewing so the jquery crops by default from the top left corner ... as you can see my thumbnail is cropp from lower down the image

    The result is my picture gets cropped successfully, but my profile page doesn't display the correctly cropped image

    see here:
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2009
    //edit: I see what you're saying now; the thumbnail you're creating is not the same as what thumbnail subsequently appears in discussions. I have no idea why it's doing that.
  • It seams this problem still persist, any solution ?


    @TerminalAddict said:
    Is this a bug?
    I can crop my picture in firefox, but it does nothing.
    And in IE I can't crop .. no selection box thingee

  • By the way I use Vanilla Version

  • Okay it works with chrome, however it needs a very long time to exchange the thumbnail with the new one.

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