Timezone bug

edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Anyone thinking of creating an addon for timezone support?


  • Vanilla Staff
    The current login process transmits the user's local time and adjusts the time for their time zone. Do you want to be able to specifically set the time zone?
  • Admin
    edited October 2009
    Err, the forums are set to Mountain Time for me and I'm in Eastern. I just assumed that meant there weren't timezones set.
  • Vanilla Staff
    This might be a bug then. Can you log out and log back in and tell me if the timezone is set properly? Thanks.
  • Oh wow, yeah that fixed it. Maybe it's because I'm cookied?
  • Vanilla Staff
    I think only the login transmits your timezone. We should probably have some other stuff do it too.
  • Or have it set a timezone cookie too?
  • Vanilla Staff
    It think setting the timezone uses a bit of a javascript trick because it has to transmit the current time and then we compare it to the server's time.There is actually a column in gdn_User called HourOffset that controls all of this.
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