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Vanilla 1.1.6 to Vanilla 2 - a couple of questions!

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited October 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi guys,

Looking to upgrade from 1.1.6 to Vanilla two, but just a couple of things I'd like to ask ebfore doing so if that's okay...

1. Is there much converting to do if I just want to exclusively keep the users, user groups and topics?

2. In Vanilla 1 it was easy to make it so that non members and applicants can't see the forum, is that still the case?

Cheers :)


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There is a conversion script that does *almost* everything for you. After it is complete you just need to make sure your roles have the permissions you want across discussions.

    Vanilla 2 has a "Guest" role for non-members, and you can specify that role's permissions however you like (ie. you can make guests unable to see any discussions if you want).
  • Awesome, thank you Mark!

    I'm not in a rush, so is the script a work in progress, or should I just go for it now? As long as it keeps user's accounts, discussions and comments it should be fine I guess, since you can easily work around anythnig else.

    Might have a sit down on the weekend and work on migrating everything.

    Ty :)
  • @blizeH: I've been looking to do the same and it looks like it'll be a breeze to do manually. In fact, I'd personally rather do it manually to ensure I have control over everything.
  • Thanks ben_ - what do you mean by manually though? Just point the Vanilla 2 installation towards the old database? is everything named the same then? :S
  • I agree with Ben, last time I trusted my programmer to do everyting running a script and we had a lot of trouble. If you are only going to do it once, you are better off keeping a close eye on things and doing the manual work online pokies
  • Sorry guys, still not sure what you mean by manually? The structures of the databases between V1 and V2 seem quite different.

    I've got a Vanilla 2 installation up and running without any issues and the users on the site love it so far, but there have been a few requests to migrate the data from our old forum, so I'm looking for the best/safest way to do that if possible!

  • I don't believe they meant manually moving data, but rather manually fixing permissions after the import.
  • Ooh I see, that'd make sense, thanks Lincoln :)

    Luckily I think we've decided a fresh start is for the best, so we have a nice shiny new forum now anyway - win/win! Thanks again
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