Meta: A new kind of forum leveraging Web 2.0 technologies

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
A new forum which seems to use a lot of new ideas and technology e.g. remote scripting (aka "Ajax" - but I don't like that term): Did anyone check it out?


  • edited October 2005


    the /me bug in plain text comments is still present. here is my fix: /me misbehaviour!

    and here is the url again:
    META - a new kind of forum

  • The LiveThreads system is pretty neat but I hate that animation thing so very much. Why can't it just have an appear animation instead of actually physically running from the bottom of the forums to the top? Idiotic. NRi Moderation is prettymuch the stupidest thing I have ever heard, there has got to be a loophole there somewhere, like a spammer who has 2000 posts has more influence than someone who has started and contributed actual knowledge to the forum discussions but has only 200 posts. And I'm not sure about the tagging thing, it seems to be pretty intelligent and actually the only neat feature in the forum, but that is actually prettymuch the same what Vanilla has, everything regardless of category shows on one single page, but with the upside of actually having categories if you want to follow only one category.
  • I like the functionality, but it doesn't look that nice. A good style sheet would fix that though.
  • the 'click quoting' is very nice and i think something like that would be so good for vanilla.
  • edited October 2005
    the 'click quoting' is very nice and i think something like that would be so good for vanilla.

    I agree, but then again, anykind of quoting would be good.
  • yeah totally agree.
  • It's okay, but the visual side is extremely disappointing. It looks "tacky" at the moment. Hopefully someone will come along and help the folk out.
  • That thing is fugly. Slower than Vanilla too. Didn't like the text mouseover thing. I hate that crap. If I want to read it, I'll click on it. Thats about as far into as I got before I left.
  • It certainly has a lot of interesting features. The quoting and edit-in-place stuff is cool but has been discussed here previously with possible implementation in mind. I quite like how it gives the first post of the discussion as a mouseover but that'd get a little pointless once you'd seen the thread once. I'd certainly prefer to use that than the likes of phpBB from a 1minute glancepoint. Give it chance.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited October 2005
    I just hate popups of anykind, especially mouseover popups. I find them irritating when I am moving my mouse all over the screen like im having a seizure.
  • edited October 2005
    especially mouseover popups

    Second that WITH A VENGEANCE!
  • i dont tend to move my mouse much unless i'm browsing with it. Perhaps there should just be a slight delay. Shrug.
  • edited October 2005
  • Man I hate seeing this at the bottom of every post: Moderations: scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) scott: +0.1762 (??) I mean at least have a button saying "click to view moderations (total moderations X)".
  • Yeah, it has some good ideas, but a lot of it is just silly. The community reminds me of Vanilla, though, somewhat.
  • looks kind of like your average php nuke forum, I don't see what's so special about it.
  • and please stop using the phrase "web 2.0", it just sounds so idiotic.
  • Yes, its totally a gimmick. I swear I have heard (ok, read) "web 2.0" like 80 times in the past two days.
  • I like the Web 2.0 technology thing that's actually just a mish-mash of already existing stuff.

    This is the wrong way to start a "new" technology. That's a whole different thread/discussion though.
  • Web 2.0? Psh; that's so outdated.I write all my code in Web 5.0.

    It's exactly the same as Web 2.0, but we dress as pirates.
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