Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
Bug in Vanilla2
After the installation everything looks good, but when you look at source HTML code in browser you wil find these error:
<ul id="Definitions" style="display: none;">
<li id="TransportError">A fatal error occurred while processing the request.<br />The server returned the following response: %s</li>
<li id="TransientKey">XEVLRU1U4SB8</li>
<li id="WebRoot">http://for.localhost/</li>
<li id="ConfirmHeading">Confirm</li>
<li id="ConfirmText">Are you sure you want to do that?</li>
<li id="Okay">Okay</li>
<li id="Cancel">Cancel</li>
Thank you!
These are "hidden" messages that are used by the JavaScript parts, such as popups etc, in order to handle stuff like translations, AJAX posting, etc."A+fatal+error+occurred+while+processing+the+request"+inurl:discussions&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
A lot of sites with this error... is it good and normal?
Good spot with the Google results, as although its hidden in a browser, its not hidden in Google's eyes.
I wonder if this would be better just declared as script block with a JavaScript array within it or something?
I wonder if @Mark has an opinion?
1. SE see that your site is full of mistakes and errors
2. Dublicated content
May be it's possible to comment this code somewere? (I can't find)
@Immersion, If I understand you correct (I'm not english speaking men and my english is poor) I should say, that I did't say that someone serches for fatal errors, I just show that I'm not alone with this thing.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // vB Phrases vbphrase["wysiwyg_please_wait"] = "Please wait for the WYSIWYG editor to finish loading..."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_initialized"] = "WYSIWYG Editor initialized for %1$s in %2$s seconds."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_command_invalid"] = "This command is invalid or not implemented."; vbphrase["moz_must_select_text"] = "Mozilla requires that you must select some text for this function to work"; //--> </script>
That's probably far safer.