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Where months are located?

edited December 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Sorry for may be a noob qwestion, but I try to translate Vanilla 2 forum and can't find where months are... How can I translate december, november etc?
Tahk you!


  • And how can I change time format from am\pm to 24 hour day?
    Thank you!
  • Do anybody know the answer?
  • conf/config.php -> change the defaults:

    $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultDateFormat'] = 'F j, Y'; $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultDayFormat'] = 'F j'; $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultYearFormat'] = 'F Y'; $Configuration['Garden']['DefaultTimeFormat'] = 'g:ia';
  • After a cursory look, I think you'd need to use setlocale() to change the language of months and days of the week. Most date formatting in Vanilla 2 seems to come from strftime().
  • edited December 2009
    bootstrap.php on line 17/18 is setting the default timezone if it isnt set in your php.ini:

    if (ini_get('date.timezone') == '') date_default_timezone_set('Canada/Saskatchewan');

    Can you use date_default_timezone_set()?
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