What a stupid name...

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I ran across this site while browsing del.icio.us's popular list.

1) How do 84 people bookmark a page that does nothing?
2) Is this not the silliest name ever? The domain hacks are starting to get old. I'd even venture to say that the only one that did it decently well was del.icio.us, but even that got annoying.


I can't get over how ridi.culo.us that name is.


  • /me runs off to buy culo.us
  • lol...I actually checked to see if it was available that after I said that.
  • Haha i just check http://phall.us/ out of curiosty and it's "Coming soon".... rofl
  • hahaha! Classic domain name.
  • /me does.not.get.it
  • lol, so this is what we are to be domain spammed with next eh?
  • the magnolia one is completely unnecessary. what the eff?
  • /me catches on and registeres ssumo.com and sets up a lu subdomain. woohoo! lu.ssumo! Mark's so outdated these days... Come to think of it, i may aswell get go.ogle.com aswell And maybe mic.rosoft.com for the sake of it.
  • I remember a while back I wanted nce.com so I could have ignor@nce.com as an email address.
  • heh that would be cool. sauceruney just stumbled up on a whole new level of domain hack :D
  • lol. I love it. Guess it would work with any name with an a in it.

    It would be hard to find the domain for most things, though, as:

    jesusphre@k.com would be k.com, which obviously ain't gonna be available.
  • c@tinthehat.com
  • assimilate.b.org
  • go.ogle.com
  • /me runs off to get a cook islands addres.

    the possibilities of using .co.ck are endless.
  • I'm sorry but this is only funny to Finnish people :( spe.de
  • But basically the something.something.com is invented just because some kid invented what he thinks is the best domain ever and it's taken so he adds a dot in somewhere.
  • Although I have to say I like their webpage and logo design, love that 'g' (damm can't remember what the term is for the little handle that comes off it).
  • You mean the ear or the descender?
  • edited October 2005
    not to get too old-school on all the kiddies up in here - but i think that cr.yp.to did it first and best.
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