Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

-_____________________________________________- *Faceplams*

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
You can't edit a role/category, when saved it doesn't change. -_- .This is here because the 'Issue Tracker' is not working on my Computer.

This needs to be resolved.


  • I can edit them just fine, and the Issue Tracker on GitHub is working properly as well.
  • Or, are you talking about If you have an account and are having that issue, email support. In the download version, this definitely works.
  • About the Download version..
  • Then you have an issue related to your hosting. Can you better explain precisely what's happening, the software versions of PHP and MySQL on your server, and whether the rest of your board is functional?
  • edited January 2010
    Or, are you talking about If you have an account and are having that issue, email support. In the download version, this definitely works Yer, the hosted version,
    Then you have an issue related to your hosting. Can you better explain precisely what's happening, the software versions of PHP and MySQL on your server, and whether the rest of your board is functional?
    I don't have MySQL, the setup is wierd. PHP I do have, but when I click open with browse for PHP, then I click on it and it dosn't show up!
  • @Bac213 You're making no sense. If you don't have MySQL then you couldn't have even installed it, let alone edit anything.
  • Actullay I looked at my files, yes I already had it, but; PHP I do have, but when I click open with browse for PHP, then I click on it and it dosn't show up!
  • PHP only works through a web server. You can't open files with it directly. I don't recommend trying to set up your own web server if you don't even understand how they work yet. Sign up for a Media Temple or Rackspace account and start there. You have much learning to do.
  • Yes master, which is better?
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