New install - "Bonk" message

I'm trying to install the latest build of Vanilla 2 on my hosting account. At first, it didn't work because my host didn't support PDO, but I got them to enable it and it is now installed.

However, when I upload the Vanilla files to my server and visit my URL, I am redirected to /index.php/garden/gardensetup and get the most cryptic error message I've ever seen:

"Bonk - Something funky happened. Please bear with us while we iron out the kinks."

This seems to be a new message - the change to replace the detailed error page with this message on Github was only put up yesterday.

I tried it on another hosting account as a test and the install ran flawlessly. The only difference I can see between the two servers is the "PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version". On the working server, it's 5.0.85 and on the "Bonk" server it's 5.0.87.

Does anyone have any idea what's happening? Thanks in advance.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    Change the configuration to use:

    $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';

    The old style error.

    This new error master view is to get some non-scary error message to the end user.
    I'm sure the message will change once it's close to release to something more neutral.
  • Thank you so much for letting me know how to get back to a more verbose error page - it was a simple file permissions issue in the end. Cheers :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @bean is correct on the message changing. I do think, however, that we should keep the "nice" error message as the default. But maybe we should force to the deverror when running the setup script?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    Good idea, change it to the nice error message in the post setup script.

    Maybe displaying a message saying where it could be changed back in case of issue. Or maybe, add it as a configuration parameter during setup, with a change to nice by default.
  • hi everyone! so I'm super new at this, but because I really like Vanilla, I want to try it one more time. Having so much trouble with the install! So, I have the site hosted on GoDaddy, and I checked the PDO module - I created an info.php to check it, because it doesn't seem like I'm able to change settings, and I get this - pdo_mysql
    PDO Driver for MySQL, client library version 5.0.45

    Then, I have met all the other requirements, and I turned on the verbose error logging and I get this scary error (see snippet below). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Tks in advance! :)

    Fatal Error in PHP.ErrorHandler();
    Smarty error: the $compile_dir '/home/content/m/a/n/manicyouth/html/forum/cache/Smarty/compile' does not exist, or is not a directory.
  • Create the directory by hand (sometimes it doesn't get created even though the permissions are correct). But first, check the permissions.
  • yikes - didn't work - not it says Page not found...
  • Anyone else have any ideas? Help! :(
  • It sounds like you're having the same problem @bobtheman is having, where for whatever reason, the routing code can't figure out that you want to start gardensetup and decides instead to 404 before the setup code can create the right configuration to display a 404. See also:
  • yes, this seems to be the same issue.
    @oliveolive if you find a resolution please post it
  • which file or direcory its permissions has to be changed please?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    I think you are posting to an old, issue @ahmedaladdin. When you are first setting up Vanilla 2 and you don't have the correct permissions then the setup page will tell you what folders need what permissions and what unix commands you can use to set them.
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