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Issue's and some feedback

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Installed Vanilla 2 last night and what a bit of kit, well done to all involved! - I'm having one issue at the moment and I think it's related to the 'comment refresh'.

When the script tries to refresh I get the following error appear in a floating box.

"A fatal error occurred while processing the request.
The server returned the following response: parsererror"


My feedback. When you're logged in as an Administrator the 'Dashboard' button is really in the wrong place, I keep clicking it thinking it's the Discussions part then finding out it's not. I think this would be better placed just before the logout button or next to the 'Powered by Vanilla'.

If you have a long forum title, the search box will then be placed incorrectly and the user profile is slightly messed up too.

And lastly, why no spaces in user names?

Let me know what you think.


  • lucluc ✭✭
    For the comment refresh, it shouldn't appear all the time, even though if happens.
    I think any error there should be silently ignored.

    If it does happen all the time for you, try to see the request (well the response) with some debugging tool, like firebug.

    For the menu, order can be changed with :
    $Configuration['Garden']['Menu']['Sort'] = array('Dashboard', 'Discussions', 'Activity', 'Conversations', 'User');

    as I discovered while creating a small application (mainly for learning purpose). Otherwise, the new application will append at the end of the menu which is not good.

    May be there's another way to change the conf (I guess, via the configuration controller), but there's no UI as far as I can tell.

    As for the search button, it's related than the width is limited, and than the forum name pushes everything, if the forum name is long, the search could not stay on the right at the same level, then it is pushed down. Try a shorter name.

    Maybe the forum name should be placed above the menu.

  • The menu order issue I've raised before as well. Quite annoying for new administrators; I had the same problem.
  • Ah yes good ^

    @bean - It doesnt happen all the time, I've turned off the auto refresh from the Administration panel. Just would be nice to see this feature working. It seems to be working on here?
  • I think a good feature would be a 'close/open' forum button. Good for during maintenance, or even spam outbreaks. This has happened to me before and my only choice was to close the forum so I had time to breath!
  • edited January 2010
    I'm having another issue now, not sure whether it was me messing around or whether it was there from the start. When I register a new user (at member level for testing) and I go to post a reply the Ajax doesn't seem to work (just stays there with the loading gif)

    I have to go back to the discussions page then go back into the thread to see my post/comment. Also the latest members comment doesn't appear on the discussions page, unless it's my admin account.

    Anything fancy doesn't work for members, but it works fine on my admin account. What's happening here?

    *Edit -> It appears to work fine if that user has created the thread, but if you comment on someone else's thread the Ajax stuff doesn't work.
  • I third the statement above about the menu order. Dashboard should be on the far right (or somewhere else entirely),*not* replacing the 'discussions' button.
  • The menu bar is gone now anyway :) Check out the new theme here.
  • I guess the core product is changing to this ? - If so will the old one be included still?
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