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Nice new theme!

edited January 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Just wanted to say it was a nice surprise visiting the forum today and finding a nice new theme! It's looking very nice, keep up the good work. :)


  • Very nice! Good job!
  • This is fantastic!!!
  • I like it, although it took me a while to realize the old menu links had been moved to the top-right corner, since I automatically assumed everything for Vanilla would be under this site's custom header.
  • Will this be the new default theme for Vanilla 2?

  • Where did the searchbox go?
  • SubJunkSubJunk ✭✭
    edited January 2010
    Yeah the new theme is a big improvement. I really don't like the font though. If you're dissatisfied with Arial why go lucida grande when you can go Trebuchet. Personally I like Arial for the web most of the time because it looks great on macs and PCs, whereas fonts like lucida look quite different on different operating systems.

    Also the top menu buttons need hover states
  • (new theme good) ++

    I like it a lot. Much better than the old one. Keep up the good work.
  • edited January 2010

    The cheap looking drop shadow on the logo bugs me, and some of the color combos are a bit iffy.
  • The new theme is much better than the previous one. But. It's not as important as new releases. Really. Sorry for being annoying, but I don't actually understand why you would create a new "sweet theme", while people have been waiting for a stable release of V2 for half a year?
  • edited January 2010
    I preferred the old one. Saying that I'm new so I hadn't been looking at the old one for very long.

    Either way it still looks good, but as mentioned above the shadows are a bit iffy.
  • LenLen
    edited January 2010
    Thumbs up on the new theme, much better than before!
    Except for one thing, did the search box go AWOL??
  • edited January 2010
    @Pinocchio There is a stable version available to you, which I'm sure you already know.
  • @Len I believe search is being overhauled because it's next to useless at the moment.
  • @Pinocchio Huh? It's only even existed for half a year :P It isn't just a sweet theme, it re-tooled the basics of how the forum is presented.
  • Oh very nice. Heh I was just looking for the discussion about changing to pageination and low and behold, there it is... we now have pageination instead of the "more discussions" link at the bottom. Very happy to see that! :)
  • Mmm...
  • @Roguefoxx I see what you are saying, but I can't wait for using it. The only problem now is that CSS is being changed and added all the time in the beta and every time I get new files from SVN I have to modify my theme. I've been waiting for that a few months already and noone tells when is the time - one more month or one more year? I'm not forcing the developers to make it ASAP, I (and probably many of us) just want to know the date (at least approximately), so I can plan everything else in my project. I do like alot how new Vanilla feels and works and I know for sure what I want to use in my new project. If the stable version is going to be out in a year I better use something else for now and forget about it for at least one year. If it's going to be out in a month I better wait and get some sweet stuff.
    When I see a bunch of CSS fixes in the SVN and new sweet themes on this forum while people keep discussing serious bugs, it makes me feel a bit disappointed about this project.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited January 2010
    @Pinocchio It won't be a year. I'll get crazy and hypothesize it won't be 6 months either. ;) What serious bugs are you referring to? The only major threat I saw was the error screen dumping a MySQL pass, but that was sorted out several months ago. I don't agree that presentation and interface are less important than bug-fixing.

    If you have a project with a hard deadline, then trying to divine someone else's unannounced software timeline probably isn't your best course. I'm planning to move to Vanilla 2 soon, but I'm working on my own timeline with my own rules and it's the point of the project, not a possible solution to part of it.
  • I like it... Much cleaner and clearer.
  • Like Pinocchio, i don't understant why you are working on css while the installation don't even works (for me)

    Also, i clearly prefered the previous theme. In my opinion rounded corners and gradients are old fashioned.

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