Gaming Assasination
I found a link to this.
A year-long operation leads to a massive strike by an Assasin's guild in an MMOG called EVE online.
It's extremely impressive.
Although perfectly legal in-game, is it moral?
A year-long operation leads to a massive strike by an Assasin's guild in an MMOG called EVE online.
It's extremely impressive.
Although perfectly legal in-game, is it moral?
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It'd suck if they got banned from the game or fined in real life.
Maybe fined in the game if the in game police catch them or something. That would be better.
I loved those comments from people on the forums. Classic stuff.
Well, I like to think differently, as a veteran MMORPGer I can say that there are things you can do that don't need anykind of hack and you can do it as soon as you can get in to the game, but those things still get you banned from the game. And some of those are, spamming, ganking, stealing, ninja looting, obnoxious names etc.
I wouldn't mind that kind of attack in a PvP oriented game like Planetside or Neocron because it is literally a warzone, but EVE where the game is not that much of a PvP game but some sort of bizarre space life simulator or something like that, it's not that cool to notice that someone has blown your hard earned ship to smithereens while you were away (I hear mining takes a long time.)
So believe me, I know what brutal game is, and EVE is far from it. Actually until now, I tought that it was lame kiddie pool compared to most major MMORPGs out there.I played Neocron for good two-to-three years. These days I play WoW because even if it doesn't have the action of being a loner in the middle of the wasteland with everyone your enemy, sometimes it is nice to focuse on the world too, just playing and having that sense of achievement and not just having the adrenaline rush of barely beating your enemy or escaping a raid for your life just with your cunning.
Seriously. I hate what Blizzard has done to WoW. Instanced dungeons...instanced PvP arenas...its a freaking single-player game now.
Yeah I agree, a single-player game with other people playing with (and against) you at the same time and world sprawling with fellow gamers and player created economy