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Out of memory and high server load - help!

jrossjross New
edited February 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I couldn't find any sufficient answer to this. Our server load has be 10+ during the busy times of the day - I'm currently using 1.1.10 here's a copy of the error:

A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
Technical information (for support personel):

Error Message
An error occurred while retrieving discussions.
Affected Elements

The error occurred on or near: Out of memory (Needed 2095712 bytes)

For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:


  • 2MB for php script is not that high.

    You should increase it.
  • I had it on 128M then reset it for no limit for php memory limit. I have quad intel xeon processors 2133.541 MHz - 4 gigs of RAM.
  • Do you have APC or other opcode cache enabled?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Do you have a very customized forum? I'm wondering about plugins that might be interfering with your speed. If you don't have any plugins enabled, it could also be worthwhile doing an upgrade to Vanilla 2.
  • My server guys at hostgator raised the RLimit - it seems to have helped.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    One quick fix on a lot of Vanilla 1 forums is to turn off whispers. This makes your discussion list queries much much simpler.
  • I don't think turning off whispers would go over very well on his forum.

    Hi Jamie!!
  • edited February 2010
    Also, the problem is still occurring, and it appears to be asking for more memory. Same function as before.

    The error occurred on or near: Out of memory (Needed 4193072 bytes)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    How about an upgrade to Vanilla 2? Whispers are turned into private conversations during the conversion.
  • I wonder if memcached modifications might help if Vanilla 2 doesn't? Or some other form of caching? I've no idea what's in Vanilla 1.x these days, so I can't much help there myself.
  • a new error seems to have started cropping up now, plus we've got a halfway meaningful error message too.

    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result setin /home/jrsouth/public_html/vc/library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.phpon line 140
    The error occurred on or near: Out of memory (Needed 8388580 bytes)

    (I should point out that I'm not the manager of the forum in question - just a technically minded member)
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