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VanillaReport plugin doesn't work

yodayoda New
edited February 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

It seems VanillaReport plugin doesn't show the report button on the discussions. Anyone know why this is happening?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Is this a vanilla 2 plugin? Do you have a link?
  • I suspect we're talking about this one:
  • Yes, it's a vanilla 2 plugin, the one @Louis mentioned. At first I thought it was something to do with the "version" I have downloaded from github a couple of days ago that had been updated, but I just downloaded the most recent and still it doesn't work. Apparently the only thing that ain't working is the button on the posts to report.

    Btw, is there a way to add a "report" option to the options that show up on each topic / post?
  • Sorry guys, my mistake for misreading the readme file :)

    The plugin works after all!
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