Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
Why Bonk?

issue: Single Sign-on
Platform: WPMU
While I am still login to Wordpress and If I try to access the vanilla forum I got this message.
Something funky happened. Please bear with us while we iron out the kinks."
But can access it only When I log out from wordpress .
I cannot login from the vanilla page, though the login form pop up [with the Wordpress logo] but cannot login when I click the login button.
Am I missing something?
I am sure per instructions that I have place the right values both in Wordpress and vanilla.
Lastly I am confuse where to place or set this
setcookie("YourCookieName", $YourCookieValue, $YourCookieExpiryTime, '/', '');
Platform: WPMU
While I am still login to Wordpress and If I try to access the vanilla forum I got this message.
Something funky happened. Please bear with us while we iron out the kinks."
But can access it only When I log out from wordpress .
I cannot login from the vanilla page, though the login form pop up [with the Wordpress logo] but cannot login when I click the login button.
Am I missing something?
I am sure per instructions that I have place the right values both in Wordpress and vanilla.
Lastly I am confuse where to place or set this
setcookie("YourCookieName", $YourCookieValue, $YourCookieExpiryTime, '/', '');
$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';
I now get this. Don't know what it is all about
Fatal Error in PHP.ErrorHandler();
Trying to get property of non-object
The error occurred on or near: /home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/applications/garden/models/class.activitymodel.php
149: }
151: public function SendNotification($ActivityID, $Story = '') {
152: $Activity = $this->GetID($ActivityID);
153: $Story = Format::Text($Story == '' ? $Activity->Story : $Story);
154: // If this is a comment on another activity, fudge the activity a bit so that everything appears properly.
155: if (is_null($Activity->RegardingUserID) && $Activity->CommentActivityID > 0) {
156: $CommentActivity = $this->GetID($Activity->CommentActivityID);
157: $Activity->RegardingUserID = $CommentActivity->RegardingUserID;
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/library/core/functions.error.php:132] PHP::include();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/applications/garden/models/class.activitymodel.php:153] PHP::ErrorHandler();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/applications/garden/models/class.activitymodel.php:146] Gdn_ActivityModel->SendNotification();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/library/core/functions.general.php:62] Gdn_ActivityModel->Add();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/applications/garden/models/class.usermodel.php:480] PHP::AddActivity();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/applications/garden/models/class.usermodel.php:1197] Gdn_UserModel->SaveRoles();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/library/core/class.handshakeauthenticator.php:186] Gdn_UserModel->Synchronize();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/library/core/class.session.php:225] Gdn_HandshakeAuthenticator->GetIdentity();
[/home/theblogg/public_html/discuss/index.php:30] Gdn_Session->Start();
Variables in local scope:
[ActivityID] '9'
[Story] ''
[Activity] false
Need Help?
If you are a user of this website, you can report this message to a website administrator.
If you are an administrator of this website, you can get help at the Vanilla Community Forums.
Additional information for support personnel:
* Application: Garden
* Application Version: 1.0
* PHP Version: 5.2.12
* Operating System: Linux
* User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009040821 Firefox/3.0.9
* Request Uri: /discuss/
* Controller: PHP
* Method: ErrorHandler
NB: Will Single signon work with Vanilla 1?