Ermmmmm what the hell is happening?

gigingergiginger New
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My Forum

I'm getting a load of errors which I never had before and I haven't changed anything. Have my hosting company changed something?


  • NickENickE New
    edited October 2005
    '/path/to/vanilla/library/Vanilla.Discussion.class.php' Is that really the path to your Vanilla files? Mayhaps you should take a look in your settings.php file and double check all paths are correct.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited October 2005
    That's not the path. I can't understand why, after working for weeks it would suddenly change. I'll try a complete reinstall then...

    EDIT: Well, I installed vanilla again to a different location and it's working. Clearly I did something wrong somewhere along the line.

    Thanks SirNot for your quick reply :)
  • As a possible example to why it changed perhaps something went wrong at your host so they put a backup back on. Though they should have told you and it shouldnt have been that old. So who knows.
  • Just checked their "blog" nothing there.

    They've been pissing me off in general my hosts actually.

    I wanted to use SVG on my site and it wasn't working. Turns out they didn't have the MIME type correctly set up. I asked them to fix it and after a long winded discussion we ended up at them saying that the engineers were unable to change MIME types.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited October 2005
    How is your database? I hope it's just your settings.php file that they've messed up. If your data is gone, I'd demand money back from your hosting company.
  • It all seems to be there. I don't have a very fast moving forum anyway.

    Unless someone had posted since I last checked then nothing has changed.

    I'll have to keep an eye on this situation. I've got a few sites hosted with them!
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