Admin email to all users? Any news for this function since 2005?

edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have been thinking about this function as one of the natural fundamental functions of a forum app and I saw one of the discussions back on 2005 that someone wanted this (incl. Mark himself.. :P)

I am wondering any luck so far? Or it has actually been implemented and I just cannot find out where it is?

Thanks everyone.


  • yea this is a standard function in ALL forum systems, i feel as if its a required function before a final/stable version is released
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We want to get a list of all "important" features that are missing, and then let people vote on them. I've been working on a theme for this site that will allow this type of feature-set.
  • @Mark if u need any help on the list or theme let me know, more then willing to help
  • @Mark I am willing to help too.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Do you guys want to help with the voting tool, or the emailing tool? or both? :)
  • the voting tool could double as a poll plugin, correct? lol

    i know this is a commonly asked for feature.
  • Well im VERY slowly working on the poll plugin but if someone else is going to make it and needs it quicker then let me know so i don't waste my efforts.
  • I'm unfamiliar with garden & vanilla 2 but i'm willing to work on emailing tool for vanilla 1 if there isn't one and people wants it.
  • lol i think some may be misinformed, i am in no way shape or form a web developer, web design only LOL
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I should have a semi-functional version out pretty soon, and can get some help on debugging/finishing it then. Will keep this discussion up to date with progress...
  • @Mark
    Thanks for all the hard work
  • Wow haven't been here for while, nice to see people here..
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