edited March 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I have a website that is hosted by They offer vanilla forum, which I have been using as a message board very successfully for almost 2 1/2 years. Apparently too successfully. The boards have been shut down, according to GoDaddy because my code doesn't support all the activity on my boards. They will not put the boards back up until I change the code that will support all of the activity, and I have no idea how to do that. Can someone help me? In plain, simple English. I am not a techie. Thank you.


  • Sounds to me like you have outgrown your hosting. Maybe time to purchase a larger hosting plan (probably not with godaddy).
  • send them an email asking why your forums have been taken down, and if you want tell the details here. im not quite sure what your saying. It may be a simple fix
  • The problem is GoDaddy will not let me onto my Vanilla Forum message boards until I fix the problem, and I can't fix the problem unless they let me onto the boards so I can access my account.

    The e-mail they sent to me is below. They may as well have sent it in Chinese for all the good it is doing me. I do know how to place code into my web design software, but I have no idea where to work with code in the Vanilla Forum. And I have no idea what changes they want me to make in the code.

    Our support staff has responded to your request, details of which are described below:

    Discussion Notes
    Support Staff Response
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for contacting Hosting Support. Please note that your application Vanilla Forum is not working because we have suspended your database the0723811044246 as it was examining 92943 rows. Below is the following query that is examining too many rows, please respond to this ticket with your intent to fix the troubled query and we will re-enable the database.

    select c.CommentID as CommentID, c.DiscussionID as DiscussionID,
    c.Body as Body, c.FormatType as FormatType, c.DateCreated as
    DateCreated, c.Deleted as Deleted, c.AuthUserID as AuthUserID,
    c.WhisperUserID as WhisperUserID, a.Name as AuthUsername,
    d.WhisperUserID as DiscussionWhisperUserID, w.Name as WhisperUsername,
    d.Name as Discussion, d.CategoryID as CategoryID, ca.Name as
    Category from LUM_Comment c inner join LUM_User a on c.AuthUserID =
    a.UserID inner join LUM_Discussion d on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID
    left join LUM_User w on c.WhisperUserID = w.UserID left join
    LUM_Category ca on d.CategoryID = ca.CategoryID left join
    LUM_CategoryRoleBlock crb on d.CategoryID = crb.CategoryID and
    crb.RoleID = 3 where (crb.Blocked = '0' or crb.Blocked = 0 or
    crb.Blocked is null ) and ((c.Body like '%second%' ) and (c.Body like
    '%best%' ) ) and c.Deleted = '0' and d.Active = '1' and (c.WhisperUserID
    = '0' or c.WhisperUserID = 0 or c.WhisperUserID is null ) and
    (d.WhisperUserID = '0' or d.WhisperUserID = 0 or d.WhisperUserID is null
    ) order by c.DateCreated desc limit 0, 31

    select_type table type possible_keys key
    key_len ref rows Extra
    1 SIMPLE
    crb system cat_roleblock_cat,cat_roleblock_role
    0 const row not found
    SIMPLE d range PRIMARY,discussion_whisperuser
    discussion_whisperuser 4 4041 Using
    where; Using temporary; Using filesort
    1 SIMPLE c
    ref comment_user,comment_whisper,comment_discussion,Deleted
    comment_discussion 4 the0723811044246.d.DiscussionID
    23 Using where
    1 SIMPLE a eq_ref
    the0723811044246.c.AuthUserID 1
    1 SIMPLE
    w eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4
    the0723811044246.c.WhisperUserID 1
    1 SIMPLE
    ca eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4
    the0723811044246.d.CategoryID 1

    Please contact us if you have any further issues.


    Shaun T.
    Hosting Support
  • lucluc ✭✭
    edited March 2010
    I guess that @garymardell is right.
    92k rows is not all that much.

    The query listed seems OK to me. I'm not an expert on vanilla 1, but it does look like a search query for 2 words (second and best), so that's definitely something that will be run every day.

    EDIT: I enabled mysql log on my server, and did such a search in topics, and it really was similar.
    So if you're able to disable search in your forum, you could say it's OK now for GoDaddy and that the can re-enabled your database.
  • edited March 2010
    Vanilla search is basic. Right now you can only disable search.

    Open search.php and add at line 13 before all the import:
    exit('Search is temporary disable.');
    And let them know that the page that generate that query is disable.

    Hopefully someone with come up with a better way to search Vanilla 1 discussions, or you might be able to move to Vanilla 2 or to an other host.
  • Can anyone help please? I downloaded vanilla, unzipped and upload- so far so good. Went to site and received vanilla set-up page, clicked on install, then on check installation. system reported error mesages 'failed to open stream access denied'. Looked at unzipped files there was no line ending vanilla/conf/database.php. and a number of other conf lines to which error message refers
    Any suggestions?
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