Error with the Vanilla Replies Plugin
Seem to be having a problems with the Vanilla Replies on the members profile feed (eg X replied to your comment. 3:18am).
The link to the post brings you to an PHP error, an example of PHP errors:
Any idea on how to resolve this issue?
The link to the post brings you to an PHP error, an example of PHP errors:
Any idea on how to resolve this issue?
does vanilla have any type of failsafe for plugin's and addons for like when you install them if major errors occur it will reverse however far the installation has gone and inform you it doesn't work with the debug info instead of running the risk of taking the site offline and potentially corrupting the database. Even better, it could report the addon/plugin back to and once like 200+ users report that certain plugins arnt working with whatever version it will notify the developer and post it on the plugin detail page or something.
are there any requirements for new addons? Is there any validation process or are they just posted up?
still, especially if thats the case, there should be a failsafe for these types of events.