*deletes mark*
muwahaha...oh wait. i'm not master admin.
So anyway, the idea was that you could make a stick post which would always be at the top/bottom of the discussion - i.e. in my phpBB Migrator thread, i'd like the link to be easy to find so it'd make sense if i could hold it at the top (though admittedly thats just changing the first post), or more interestingly at the bottom.
What you recon? The idea itself could be played with but the theory for an easily noteable 'news' thing or whatever on a thread by thread basis could be handy.
I dont think i remember one. Unless i sorta remembered it but didnt realise so i stole it as my own idea. Eitherway i think it's quite a good one.
on a related note i'd also like to be able to make a topic a sticky for just a particular category and not on the 'all discussions' page.