Avatar Uploader

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi guys!! I just LOVE Vanilla... how it looks, how it works and how it's programmed!! It took a little effort, but I managed to create my first extension: the Avatar Uploader. Check it out! Latest version 0.2: http://www.jazzman.nl/vanilla


  • Add it to teh Wiki
  • Did it already ^^ Weeeeee :D
  • Good work :P
  • Nice work :) A couple of suggestions though. - Error messages need to be handled abit better.. it looks like something dramatic occurs using the current lussumo error scren. - Need confirmation messages that the avatar uploaded. Other then that it's pretty much perfect :)
  • I just found a bug.. if you upload an avatar then go to your personal info screen.. the url of the avatar will be 'images/avatars/UID.ext' -- so if you click save it'll think the actual avatar is http://images/avatars/UID.ext'.
  • Tnx... I'll look into it :) And yeah.. didn't worked out the error messages yet ;)
  • How to get the Avatar bigger - I suggest 80x80 or 90x90. Missing the function to atomatic resize to any size from admin settings. Nice work.
  • The avatar size is in the theme CSS file.
  • I think he means how to get the avatar uploader to allow for bigger sizes, in which case that's in the extension file. Just search for the number 32 in the file and change it to whatever max size you want.
  • The avatar uploader allowes a maximum dimension of 100 x 100 pixels. My next release will have admin settings to select a custom dimension. Maybe even resize em with GD or ImageMagick.... And I'll make it override the CSS, so it will be truly flexible :)
  • I'm an admin, and the option to upload an avatar also appears on other people's profiles. It doesn't let me change theirs however, just provide a link so that I can change mine.
  • Bookmarked this thread for future reference. Great extention.
  • edited November 2005
    Ok, minor update that fixes a bug, and adds a new feature: avatar gallery. You can have a selection of avatars which users can choose of :)

    Follow the above link (first comment) to download the extensions

    NOTE: You need to edit the gallery path if you don't upload your icons to ../images/avatars/gallery

    The above screenshot comes from my WoW guildwebsite: http://www.wow-myst.com
  • Oh cool jazzy! When you get the theme ready, might you want to release it to the public, my WoW guild might appreciate the neat look.
  • Awesome! I didn't get round to installing it last time. I'll install it tonight. If I fix my computer anyway :s
  • Sure, I'll release the theme when it's ready :)
  • edited November 2005
    Sure, I'll release the theme when it's ready :)

    Did I tell you allready that you are my best friend?
  • Wow, what a cool extension you've made, Jazzman! One thing that I've been thinking about though: wouldn't it be more logical - it being a Vanilla extension and all - to call it Icon Uploader instead?

    Anyways, I'll try it out this weekend - nice work!
  • edited November 2005
    Well... maybe it should be called Icon Manager because it's not only an uploader... But you're right Jan, I'll change the name on the next update :)
  • I notice it dosn't allow images to be uploaded that are over 100x100 in size, why don't you use the built in thumbnailer in Filebrowser.Thumbnailer.class.php and resize them instead of generating an error?
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