Avatar Uploader



  • dozensdozens New
    edited November 2005
    Hey man, so I put up 0.2 and it's still the same issue i had as before. Here's the rundown:

    I upload the file via the uploader, it shows as broken. I upload the same image via ftp to the same directory and create a page that calls both images and the one that was ftp'd shows fine, but the uploader one is broken. I check permissions and the uploader one has read & write and ftp'd has none. Make uploader'd one none as well and it's still broken.

    Then I switch the names of the files and try the html again. Same thing, so my uneducated figuring says that it is somehow messing up the image itself, BUT when I download the image that was uploaded using your extension, it is fine. I don't understand.... Help!
  • In trying to use 0.2 i get a lot of permissions issues. the file structure created does not allow permissions for anyone to use the files created. Though the extension does create the 'avatars' folder in the right place, and an uploaded image '1.jpg' is created, the files are not available for use, or even manipulation via ftp on a unix server. I'd love to use this extension, and to assist in any way i can debugging with the current version of vanilla, and a unix system.
  • I know it's buggy :) I've maybe released it to quick.... I have an "open" system and haven't got any trouble with file permissions... Best way to go is to create the avatar folder yourself and chmod 777 it.... I'll have a way better extensions when Vanillia 0.9.3 is released :)
  • dozensdozens New
    edited November 2005
    So, from Vanilla down, what are the permissions I need to set the folders at?

    vanilla folder = ???
    images folder = ???
    avatars folder = 777
    actual images = ???

    edit: i just gave the 1.gif image permissions of 444 and it worked, i think? How can I edit the script to do this for each new uploaded image?
  • The only folder that you have to take care of, is the /images/avatars folder. If you set this to 777 you will have no problems.

    If you want to chmod every uploaded avatar, add this to the script:

    Look for (somewhere at line 100):
    // Move file if( move_uploaded_file( $tmpfile, $target )) { ..

    After this line, add:
    chmod( $target, 0655);

    Or some other permission settings.
  • For security reasons it's probably worth working your way down from 777 to the minimum you can run with.
  • Meaning starting at 777, then trying 776, then 766, then 666, and so forth????
  • chmod( $target, 0655)
    I added this line of code at line 101

    still getting these errors:

    Error Message: Could not upload avatar image.
    Affected Elements: AvatarManager.SaveAvatar();

    seems like a deeper permissions issue.
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