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Hiding Posts on All Discussions page
I am looking to have posts from a specific category (lets say category id #2) not to be displayed when looking at the All Discussions page. The category and all of its discussions should still be accessible, but I just don't want them listed on the All Discussions page.
Just wondering how I can go about doing that. Perphaps someone wants to take a stab at creating a plug-in?
Just wondering how I can go about doing that. Perphaps someone wants to take a stab at creating a plug-in?
I know this is a really old thread but I've searched for a plug-in solution and haven't found one.
If I "hide the category" then the posts aren't searchable.
I wish I knew enough to create a plug-in but unfortunately I don't. Would someone like to try?
Maybe this will work, but I do not know how it behaves on searches:
Thanks RJ, but I tried that one and it didn't work.
Maybe if you elaborate what did work and what did not work, I can look at it. Is it "only" the search results?