Discussion Title

edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
is there a addon that gives you discussion title
for expamle

--here wil be al disccusion about soccer

--here wil be all discussion about tennis

--here wil be al discussion about crocket

is thers something like this for vanilal 2?
of will be this ever avaible?



  • someone?
  • Sounds like you want nested categories with the first few discussions of each category and/or subcategory showing. Is this right?

    If so, there is a discussion about this somewhere around, I just don't have the URL to hand, try using the search function for "subcategories".
  • edited April 2010
    Yes thats exectly what i mean :O

    Do's this extension all ready exist?
    if so, where can i find it
  • StashStash
    edited April 2010
    Looks like it's already built into Vanilla 2 actually!


    Obviously this doesn't support Sub Categories yet as there aren't any, but I would imagine it shouldn't be too hard to extend this to do so when a robust sub categories plugin turns up...
  • Yes, but how you can get it at the mainpage, en also the support of subcategory,??

    Does someone have that addon allready?
  • You can route it:
    Defaultcontroller -> categories
    discussions -> categories
  • very good,
  • @ dykam

    I dont really get it
    can you be more Specificer

  • edited May 2010
    Go to the routes dashboard page, it's at
    /garden/routes // for pre-RC
    From that point it must be obvious.
  • And how can i configure there the Sub, category's? just like i want it :P?

  • What do you mean?
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    I think he wants subcategories like:

    - Football
    - Rugby
    - Tennis

    Video games
    - Xbox 360
    - PS3

    - News & current affairs
    - Politics

    That kinda thing I guess.
  • Ah. add a category for every parent category (/vanilla/settings/addcategory) and check "Make this a parent category" for each.

    Then go to the categories overview (vanilla/settings/managecategories) and drag the subcategories in the right place.
  • @dykam

    Where can i find that in vanilla 2?
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    edited May 2010
  • oke, i will looking for it, i'm now re-uploading my vanilla ^^
  • edited May 2010
    okey, ive trying it to get it done, but i can still not make sub category's like

    - Football
    - Rugby
    - Tennis

    Video games
    - Xbox 360
    - PS3

    - News & current affairs
    - Politics

    Under the category footbal must come al the topics about footbal...
    and under the category rugby comes al the topic about rugby
    etc. etc. etc. please can someone help me
  • Make the parent categories Sports, Video games and General, and create the other as normal categories. After that go to the manager and drag/drop them in the right order.
  • How can you make parent category's and normal category's??
  • edited May 2010
    Oke i have now my categories and sub category's
    THX for helping

    But, i cant see them when i go to my site.
    and either i can choose a category when i want to start a topic??

    any help please
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