it has been but theyre still not up. He says mid november cause he has a client paying him to push stuff (detatched user auth) out quickly. Fingers crossed.
I'm a few days into development and templating is 99% finished. The decentralization of session management is finished (you'll be able to write your own authentication modules / methods if you want - as extensions, of course). I'm in the process of reconfiguring the panel. I'm also stripping just about every feature out of it and making them extensions. I mean EVERYTHING. I keep saying to myself, "Am I taking out too much?"
The answer is always "no" with a smirk. It's gonna be hot, yo.
OMG... could the code get even more beautiful?? This is the first web application that I've seen that's been coded by someone who knows how to program :D
It would be awesome if the full app completely exists out of "extensions"... :O
But Mark, if you do, maybe think of a new way to enable / disable / install / uninstall them, cuz the current works okay with a few extensions. I like the GUI of installing / uninstalling modules in Gallery 2 by Menalto...
Love to see the updates ^^
This is beginning to sound a lot like drupal; have the core merely an infrastructure for modules, and include practically every functionality via such.
I definitely don't see Vanilla as a CMS.
Vanilla is a forum.
But the framework that Vanilla is built on can be applied to any type of web app. So, for example, the other apps I've got planned will use the same framework and will share libraries with Vanilla. But they will be very different applications - like a mailing list manager.
If you wanted a true CMS, it would be better to create a whole new project using the same framework.
It's all semantics, I guess.
Yeah Mark... I'd like to check your blog once and a while (don't read this if you have a dirty mind :P)
Seriously: I would even want to have a blogapp build on your code O_O
Thanks guys - I do plan on setting up a blog. I've got lots to say. But I want to do it with the Framework behind vanilla, and (of course) release that as another product. So, it's going to have to wait until I get the next two things out.
And yes, all of these things will work together and have central login and whatnot.
It would be great to see Vanilla head that direction.
And damn, a mailing list would be so rad...