just out of interest, mark, when you say the user authentication will be extensionised so other auth methods can be implemented, how easy will it be (if atall) to use the vanilla auth method as the control for something else? Say if i have a couple of admin sections of the site i'd rather use your tried tested secure method of authentication to log myself into my site than write my own and use it for vanilla...
Please feel more than free to write a webmail app with you mlm? :P
how easy will it be (if atall) to use the vanilla auth method
I wanted it to be really easy for you guys to write your own, so it is a very stripped down class that only relies on the most integral values from the vanilla system - like the database connection for querying and validating user creds.
So, to take it and put it in another app should be easy.
i'm not talking about a full-on blog right now, just a place where we can perhaps say have an rss feed and see that when you're like "Hey, there's gonna be a new version of Vanilla next week." or "I think I might make a mailing list system" or "The new version of Filebrowser is now available to download"... you know what I mean? A central place to see what you're working on and more importantly, if there is a new Vanilla extension or something that we should know about....
I do plan on setting up a blog. I've got lots to say. But I want to do it with the Framework behind vanilla, and (of course) release that as another product.
Well I think that's made me hold back from releasing my blog into the wild! If there's a lussumo one then I'll most likely go for that.
A vanilla blog... I could see that being extremely popular. Vanilla looks and works so beautiful, i'm sure a blog would be a great extension to the family.
I agree with everyone else.. It would be great if you kept a blog, Mark.
Really looking forward to this update.. this update comes with that theme editor type thingy, right?
Minisweeper: When!?
Lol, I'm really impatient with this, because I want to set up Vanilla instead of Invision on my site http://www.the360report.com , but in order to integrate it with the CMS, I need the new user auth stuff, and the template engine.
Being true open source doesnt necessarily mean public release development is open, in my understanding of the term. I'd say open source meant that the source..is open. which it is :)
IF you're asking when vanilla will have SVN and public development; when mark says so.
There's nothing stopping anyone from taking the 0.9.2 code, writing a patch to it, and distributing the new version (in compliance with GPL regulations at least).
Of course, it would be idiotic to do that a few weeks before a major update hits. When it does, I think we'll see a surprising quantity of extensions, themes, and modifications.
I wanted it to be really easy for you guys to write your own, so it is a very stripped down class that only relies on the most integral values from the vanilla system - like the database connection for querying and validating user creds.
So, to take it and put it in another app should be easy.
Well I think that's made me hold back from releasing my blog into the wild! If there's a lussumo one then I'll most likely go for that.
I'm not even going to ask for a timeline
We're just waiting for him to release the shinyness of version 1.0