I'm getting the jitters now, maybe I should pay the extra £200 for the 2ghz G5 instead, and save up for a nice screen further down the line????
In the long run I might regret not going for that.... arghhh... not sure.... help!
Well, as your lawyer, I'd say that if you are going to have some heavy use on it like doing graphics or some of that nature, you should go for the G5, but if you just want a new machine that packs a punch and is going to be the coolest looking machine and center piece of your life, you are fine with the iMac.
But why should you take my advice, I'm just a cartoon.
Well, both Reason and Photoshop are familiar products to me and I can say that I'm confident that if you up your system memory to 1gig, you won't have any problem.
It's a common mistake to think that iMac is comparable to cheap ass PCs in speed, but it's actually pretty swift.
Yeah I've got some extra ram on order too....
My sub-thinking on this goes like this:
In 3 years time when the iMac is getting too slow for my main computer... bam... move it into my kitchen or living room, and I've got a very tasty media hub thingie. Couldn't do that with a G5 so easy...
Of course by that time I'll be rich and will get a G7 Macintel with quad processors or whatever...
Well then I think that iMac suits your needs way better, and believe me, 3 years is not that much on Macs life, I have a friend and he is a photographer and has the older model PowerBook around 3-4 years old or so, I guess it's the Titanum series. And he tosses around Nikon RAW images around the size of 40megs just like nothing.
I usually don't count the whole sum of anything, I usually think that I have the money, what else would I do with it. Like, if you buy a 2,000€ computer, you have that 2k it doesn't appear magically from somewhere just to buy a computer, it's not that you wouldn't use it for anything else, that your bank account would forever be that 2k heavy if you didn't buy that computer.
I have the money, I use it, the world keeps on spinning, I keep bitey happy and he doesn't bite me.
Finally got it today :-)
(Notice the now relegated PC mouse sulking in the background...)
Kosmo: Use those teeth!