Vanilla Porter

edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

is this functional yet, i would love to export my v2 installation for backup purposes.


  • LincLinc Admin
    We're still doing testing and adding some functionality to the importer. I'm not convinced that's the best method to use for backups in any case. You should be looking at using a cron job to dump your whole database to a compressed file.
  • Online applications have internal import export functionality, This is the norm

    Requesting users to export their database and attempt to resynchronize that with a fresh install is asking alot for the non technical. This is one of the most important features of v2.

    1. Converting
    2. backing up

    Anyways, is it functional for an exported Mysql dump from a phpbb installation. I would love to try it out.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited June 2010
    No, there's no phpBB extension for it yet.

    I didn't say it wasn't possible to use for backups, I said there's better ways of doing it.

    PS: Resynchronize? Huh? 1) Install 2) Import database dump. Done.
  • bobthemanbobtheman
    edited June 2010
    will the current version export my current v2 installation for backup purposes? if so i can test that functionality.

    I can export my v2 install, then do a fresh install with an import. This would be great for all the users using v2 RC versions and having bonked installs after updating the newer github versions. They could now just export, update, if bonked do a fresh install and import
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