Shortcodes needed

lukoielukoie New
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I want to add timestamps to every message. there's only date, but no time.
Also i need the quotation like on the other forums [quote] ov visual style quotation
And also there's a need to add numbers or something like that to the messages, so users can easily see and mention what message number they're replying to.
is it possible to do in rc2?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    You can already quote using <blockquote> ... </blockquote>
    You can use custom views to adjust how the date is rendered for your forum.
    Similar story for adding message numbers.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • is there any way to add button to every message, so commenters can click to "reply" button, and it copies the message to the reply window?
    actually, what we need is a bbquote visual editor too. i have tried jQuery WYSIWYG addon, and it works ok, but it is not as light as i need. and there's no reply or quotation ability. would be nice to be able to add buttons in the theme itself...
    @Tim, no offense, but did you described theming options and shortcodes in your wiki?
    theming is a very important subject for every CMS, and it should be clearly described for users, so one can read and modify or create the theme by himself.
    For example, now i need to add dates to the every post. what docs should i read on your site to find out how to do that? in which files and what shortcodes to paste, or there's plain php used, or what?
    "custom views" sounds cool. but how am i suppose to know what is that and where do i find that files(shold i create any additional files in the theme/views folder, or edit some files in other places)?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    I hear what you're saying and I understand that it is harder to get what you want when the documentation is slightly out of date, or when parts are missing. I would really love it if you gave us a little credit (and maybe cut us some slack) and believe me when I say that stellar documentation is on our roadmap of things we *really* want to get done.

    Unfortunately there are only 3 full time developers working on Vanilla Core, and just a small handful of people from the community contributing back to us (none that I know of in the documentation department). On top of that, we've got an extremely long list of requests and features from passionate users like you. We love those requests, but there's only so much we can do in a day.

    So at the end of the day your choices are: have patience, or help :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    how can i help? (note that i'm not a coder)

    ps; you said you have a long list of the requests. is it prioritized somehow, or just a bunch of wishes?
  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    missed comment link, broken ajax, rss, vanilla 1 to vanilla 2 - this i all i can find as a prioritized list for RC3 and Release
    not much..

    ps i've added one of my issues, by the way. thanx for the link. your links is the documentation page was broken, so i thought you dont use github anymore
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    We also have a roadmap for our development of vanilla features that falls outside of github's issue list. Many of those internal goals take priority over the issue list.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    How you can help:

    As a non coder, you can help by reporting actual bugs with the application as it is right now. You can also contribute by doing translation work (as you've already started to do) though you'll need to take into account the fact that the system is not yet complete.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • ok then
  • LincLinc Admin
    @lukoie I've fixed the links in the documentation you pointed out. Thanks.
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