Creating Custom Side-Modules

phreakphreak MVP
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi all,

I used to manage a forum with Vanilla 1 several years ago, and kept waiting for V2.
Last week i started playing around with V2 and there is something i'd like to, maybe you can help me.

I'd like to create a custom HTML-Code-based and static module aside the forum.
I would be able to do this by working this in the template.

But is there an upgrade-save method like doing this via plugin or something else?

Thanx so far,
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  • LincLinc Admin
    Getting started with making a module:

    Modules, as I understand it, are meant to be part of an application. I suppose you could make a mini-app that just added a module though. This is where I'd link you to the Applications documentation if there was any yet, but I'll send you a link to the crap-tastic Google Doc I've been throwing notes into as I go.

    Definitely not a good idea to hack a module into core Vanilla since, yeah, that'd get overwritten when you upgrade.
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