Vanilla 2 RC3

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
We are pleased to announce Vanilla 2 Release Candidate 3.

About This Release

Do not use on production systems.

This version of the code has many minor fixes & improvements from the RC2 release.


We've done a lot of work on the Vanilla importer/exporter, and we'd appreciate it if the community tests it thoroughly so we can iron out any problems. You can find documentation here:


  • PHP version 5.2.0 or newer
  • MySQL version 5 or newer
  • Apache version 2 or newer


  1. Unzip the package to the desired folder on your server.
  2. Create a database for Vanilla (named whatever you like).
  3. Browse to the folder in your web browser, and follow the instructions on-screen.

Troubleshooting the Vanilla 2 Installation

If you run into any issues during the installation, you may see the "Bonk" error screen. In order to get past this screen, you can remove the following line from your conf/config.php file:

$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';

This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).

Upgrading RC1 & RC2 Vanilla 2 Forums

  1. Sign into your existing forum with the user that has UserID = 1
  2. Back up your database.
  3. Back up all of your existing files.
  4. Unarchive the new files and copy them over your existing files. Make sure that your hidden files (ie .htaccess) are copied to your server.
  5. Navigate to the page in your forum that updates your database (this will not work if you did not sign in as UserID = 1):
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to run the update scripts.
  7. Navigate to your forum and test away!

Reporting Issues


Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.

Where to Download

We have merged all of our RC3 changes into our master branch, and we have tagged the RC 3 release. You can browse the tagged release here:

And you can download the package here:


  • LincLinc Admin
    I thought GitHub was going to melt yesterday. :D Nice work.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We had to whip out the WD-40 at one point...
  • i'm likely using a pre RC1 vanilla code base. if i try git pulling RC3 and going to /utility/structure i get an sql complaint that i can't get around: "Unknown column 'd.Body' in 'field list'

    if i try clearing the cache folder manually and removing some older looking values in the config.php, i lose access to all of vanilla, ending up with 404 pages.

    is there a path of exporting/importing my data into a fresh vanilla rc3 install? i've also got single sign-on working on this instance, so i would want to migrate that as well. i'm fine hacking together things, so i don't need an all in one script to do everything for me, just need a guideline as to what steps i need to take, as i'm stuck right now.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2010

    Reporting Issues


    Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.

    ** @eleith Make a new issue in github, and we can collaborate further on there. Thanks :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • oh i see. i misinterpreted the definition of issue. i figured since i was upgrading a pre-RC1 that this is not an issue of vanilla 2, as the focus will likely be on vanilla1->vanilla2 migration.

    i'll go ahead and post on github now.
  • I'm kind of a noob at all this, but I do not understand the upgrade installation text. Is there a better explanation somewhere? I'm having problems with number 5 (what page is that?)

  • edited July 2010

    first of all: thanks a lot for the great work. I love vanilla.
  • Seems to me that Login doesn't work for Safari 5.0, Chrome and FF work for me. Sorry, no time to register at GitHub now for proper reporting. Maybe someone can test and mention the error.
    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • same here

    but nice job with the RSS
  • Any chance of some type of Rails integration?
  • @Coders What do you mean by Rails integration?
  • Connecting vanilla with a rail app.
  • @Coders So basically you just mean an API. I don't know if an API is on the schedule or not. You will have to ask @Mark or @tim
  • Niceee about time!
  • will finial version of Vanilla 2 gone support Google Friend Connect or maybe facebook login system?
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited July 2010
    maybe as a plugin would be better...facebook integration really increases the weight of the site, which goes against what Vanilla stands for
  • "upgrading RC1 Vanilla 2 Forums"
    Did you guys really try this yourself?
  • ;-)
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @Tobbes, if I had a nickel for every time I upgraded a Vanilla 2 installation...
  • Mark,
    How much would you charge to upgrade my VanillaForums script from version 1 to version 2? I would like to be able to use the newly added Vanilla Smarty Template Pages. My site is
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