Does Notify have any known security issues? I'm getting spam sent to me, and it appears to be coming from a script on my server. I have very few on this server that could be doing it, so I'm wondering about Notify, especially as they all contain "comment3" or "comment4" as a keyword.
please change in next version
Replace $Context->Dictionary in extension's default.php to $Context->SetDefinition
Add to language definitions
$Context->SetDefinition('Forum', 'Forum');
$Context->SetDefinition('Categories', 'Categories');
$Context->SetDefinition('NotifyMeOnCommentsInCategories', 'Notify me on new comments in the following categories');
line 359 in default.php change to: <h2>'.$this->Context->GetDefinition("Forum").'</h2>
line 374 in default.php change to: echo '<h2>'.$this->Context->GetDefinition("Categories").'</h2>
line 375 in default.php change to: <p>'.$this->Context->GetDefinition("NotifyMeOnCommentsInCategories").'</p>
With the latest install it appears that the default setting for notify has no checks to receive emails for any new or existing threads or comments. Can someone please advise me on this?
I figured out that by changing "$Configuration['NOTIFY_AUTO_ALL'] = '0';" to "$Configuration['NOTIFY_AUTO_ALL'] = '1';" that all members automatically get an email but they can't change the notification settings in account.
Is there a way to leave the notification settings tab under account? '
Is there a way to have the default be that emails are sent only if you participate in the discussion?
When I enable this plugin, I get a box that says \Notify, but then any forum page returns a blank page. I have to manually delete it to get the forums working again.
Notice the followings errors in my error_log today, any idea as to why this would be happening? [22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 252 [22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 264 [22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 273
Notify isn't saving my preference to be notified. I'm logged in as the admin. There's no save button to save my preferences. I watched the Firebug Net monitor when clicking on the checkboxes to monitor the forums and no XHR requests were going back to the server. So it seems like it's just broken. What can I do to get this fixed?
After installing this extension on my Wordpress integrated Vanilla, I found that it didn't work. So I went bug hunting. I changed the hardcoded table and column names to use $Context->DatabaseTables/Columns, and fixed some other little bugs. It now works in my - admittedly very vanilla - install of Vanilla. I figured I'd give everyone else the opportunity to use my patched version.
default.php: -changed some of the default strings -changed the User table references to $Context->DatabaseTables['User'] -changed references to columns in the User table to $Context->DatabaseColumns['User']['ColumnName'] (hope I got 'em all; note: the Notify table and columns are still hardcoded) -fixed a label in the Notify config page; the label for "entire forum" was broken
functions.js -removed duplicate "$(Elem).innerHTML = NewText;" that was unconditional - this was causing config settings to vanish from the config page on click
-removed Mac folder from base directory -changed permissions on Notify folder to 755; it was 750 which was causing the extension not to show up on the extensions page
If there is interest and the original author gives his permission, I might be willing to maintain this extension and add any further features to it.
tty, thank you for the update. It does work on mine. I'm wondering how the email can also display the title of the thread? And the name of user(or forum name would be better) displays?
Just responding to my own post above, following Joey's method in page3 worked, but I used this line to make it work. $e->Subject = $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'].' "'.$mTitle.'" '; Joey's was $e->Subject = $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration[''APPLICATION_TITLE''].' "'.$mTitle.'" ';
Can anyone tell me how I can display forum names instead of {name}? {name} displays whatever is in "Name" field. But I would liek to display forum names.
I'll probably work on that a bit anyway, probably using different templates for thread, category and forum notifications. Also, something I've noticed is that it also sends out notifications while you're actually browsing the forum. That seems a bit silly to me, so I'll probably be working on that too.
Question: If the user is logged in the Notify extension works as expected, and sends an email to them with link to discussion topic. However, if user is not authenticated, the page they go to says "discussion not found," and to a casual user looks like an error message. Is there a way for the link in the email (or script) to ask user to login first, then redirect to the specific discussion they're subscribed afterwards?
Hope this may help a bit to those who are not happy with private category notifications sent to all users. It may require some adjustments depending on which version do you use, but in general idea should be clear for you. In function NotifyDiscussion replace the first sql query after the comment #Add all users who have subscribed to all, aren't already notified except the posting user with this one: SELECT n.UserID, u.Email, u.FirstName, u.LastName
FROM {$pfx}Notify AS n, {$pfx}User AS u
LEFT JOIN {$pfx}Discussion AS d ON d.DiscussionID = '$DiscussionID'
LEFT JOIN {$pfx}CategoryRoleBlock AS b ON d.CategoryID = b.CategoryID AND u.RoleID = b.RoleID
WHERE n.Method = 'ALL' AND n.UserID <> '$SelfUser' AND n.UserID = u.UserID AND u.Notified = 0 AND b.Blocked IS NULL
Note I'm using $pfx defined far above in the code as $pfx = $Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']; for simplicity. You can use $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX'] or stuff like $DiscussionForm->Context->DatabaseColumns['User']['Email'] instead, it's just a matter of taste.
Provided as is, without warranties. Works fine for me though
Why does it notify people of comments posted in private categories which their role does not allow the viewing of?
Notify is an ex-addon!
[22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 252
[22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 264
[22-Jun-2008 22:03:31] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/XXXX/public_html/live/public/forums/extensions/Notify/default.php on line 273
Notify 1.2.2 - CHANGES
-changed some of the default strings
-changed the User table references to $Context->DatabaseTables['User']
-changed references to columns in the User table to $Context->DatabaseColumns['User']['ColumnName'] (hope I got 'em all; note: the Notify table and columns are still hardcoded)
-fixed a label in the Notify config page; the label for "entire forum" was broken
-removed duplicate "$(Elem).innerHTML = NewText;" that was unconditional - this was causing config settings to vanish from the config page on click
-removed Mac folder from base directory
-changed permissions on Notify folder to 755; it was 750 which was causing the extension not to show up on the extensions page
If there is interest and the original author gives his permission, I might be willing to maintain this extension and add any further features to it.
I'm wondering how the email can also display the title of the thread? And the name of user(or forum name would be better) displays?
Thanks for your contribution!
$e->Subject = $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'].' "'.$mTitle.'" ';
Joey's was $e->Subject = $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration[''APPLICATION_TITLE''].' "'.$mTitle.'" ';
Can anyone tell me how I can display forum names instead of {name}? {name} displays whatever is in "Name" field. But I would liek to display forum names.
It may require some adjustments depending on which version do you use, but in general idea should be clear for you.
In function NotifyDiscussion replace the first sql query after the comment #Add all users who have subscribed to all, aren't already notified except the posting user with this one:
SELECT n.UserID, u.Email, u.FirstName, u.LastName FROM {$pfx}Notify AS n, {$pfx}User AS u LEFT JOIN {$pfx}Discussion AS d ON d.DiscussionID = '$DiscussionID' LEFT JOIN {$pfx}CategoryRoleBlock AS b ON d.CategoryID = b.CategoryID AND u.RoleID = b.RoleID WHERE n.Method = 'ALL' AND n.UserID <> '$SelfUser' AND n.UserID = u.UserID AND u.Notified = 0 AND b.Blocked IS NULL
Note I'm using $pfx defined far above in the code as $pfx = $Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']; for simplicity.
You can use $DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX'] or stuff like $DiscussionForm->Context->DatabaseColumns['User']['Email'] instead, it's just a matter of taste.
Provided as is, without warranties. Works fine for me though