I think I will leave the controls on the panel, but now I added controls directly to the index.php on each discusson after "Last Active xxx" where you can individually see the notification status of each discussion... the same on the categories page...
And I included a feature that filters all the discussions and shows only discussions you are subscribed to...
@Wanderer: That's a good point! The other subscribe/unsubscribe on the panel is also working and I think I need to write a "howto implement the notification control to the Discussion Overview"
@HouseinProgress: a very good feature... I will try to implement it...
Not sure if this is of any value, but when setting to NOTIFY_ALL = 1, works like a charm.
When set to 0, the notify table in the DB just doesn't get poulated at all. it's empty. I tried jprado's code tweak to function.php, but made no difference.
FULL TEXT AND REPLY FORM Want an option to have an html formatted full text of the comment in users email notifications and not only one notification but all comments.
And the reply link would be nice too and the reply form woulbe grate.(but there are more problems with authentification) I have used it when admined my last forum, it was so good when you don't have to enter the forum just to see another smile in a comment. i read all forum messages by email in this way.
any users who can test the really really pre-release of the new version?
just send me a mail: mail@hutstein.de
this version is not for productive use!!!
line 429-432 of default.php of the current version:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php','index.php','account.php','categories.php')))
$Head->AddScript('extensions/Notify/functions.js'); Should be replaced by:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php','index.php','account.php','categories.php'))) {
You might have already fix it or your installation is not up to date.
The error is in the package from the repository (Notify-2007-05-29.zip). I just checked it again.
Some quick notes about my experience with this extension on my configuration:
This version 1.2.0 of this Notify extension took quite a bit of work to implement into my configuration of Vanilla 1.1.2
It did not interact well with JQMedia on my configuration. I now eventually have alot of the features working after disabling JQuery v12-1.1.4 and all other JQ extensions temporarily to enable the Notify extension first then I re-enabled the JQuery v12-1.1.4 and other JQ extensions afterward. I had to modify the default.php for JQmedia 0.5.1 to have JQmedia included in all the pages that had Notify panel links, not just the comments.php and posts.php pages (as is where JQmedia appears to be included by default). For some reason JQmedia and some other JQuery extensions had a bad effect on the Notify extension's javascript includes in the header when displayed in certain various orders even when notify was enabled first through the settings extension control panel. The quickest way I discovered to fix the JQmedia conflict in my configuration was to either disable JQmedia or, as I stated above, just simply included JQmedia on all pages containing the Notify extension "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" links.
If you are having trouble getting the "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" links on the side panel to respond correctly check into possible extension conflicts especially if you have JQ extensions installed.
Also keep in mind, the emails I received after subscribing to discussions sometimes came quickly, within several seconds, and other times they took a while to arrive. If you don't receive an email right away and you are pretty confident that you set the extension correctly in your configuration and that you don't have any conflicts check your email again a little later.
So far most of the basic features are working as long as I am subscribed to the entire forum, specific categories or specific discussions via the subscribe/unsubscribe links in the side panel of the index.php, categories.php or comments.php pages or via the "notifcation" section on Vanilla's account page (account.php).
Because it appears this extensions relies on the whisper function within vanilla, "ENABLE WHISPERS" had to be activated within my configuration from the Vanilla settings page under the "options" header ("application settings")
However, the subscribe own feature enabled from the "notification" section of the account.php page (Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions), which sends an email to the original poster when the discussion they started receives comments, is still not functioning in my configuration.
The check box(Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions) on Vanilla's account.php ("notification" section) inputs the information into the SubscribeOwn field of the User table in the database, however, Notify's extension default.php does not seem to be properly calling, checking and integrating the LUM_User table, SubscribeOwn field when initiating the sending of the emails.
Seemingly, the emails are being sent BASED ONLY on the information contained within the LUM_Notify table on the database and NOT ALSO BASED on the information within the SubscribeOwn field within the LUM_User table on the databse. So it appears that when subscribing to the entire forum, specific categories or specific discussions via the panel links or notification section of account.php, that information is inputted into the LUM_Notify table and WORKS because that table information is included when checking to send emails but the (Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions) data is inputted into the LUM_User table which appears does NOT WORK because the informaton in that field on that table is not included in the information that is checked and emailed to the appropriate users.
I am currently testing some modifications (shared below), that are seemingly working well and consistently with my configurations so far, to get this current version of Notify extension to NOTIFY the original authors who have posted a discussion and who have checked the "Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions" option, within the notification control panel from the Vanilla account.php page, but who have not subscribed to the entire forum or entire cateogry
This modification adds a basic call to the User table to get the information needed to email the original author of comments - since, as I stated above, the information stored to identify and email users in situations where comments have been added to their own discussions is not stored in the Notify table, along with the rest of the subscribe/unsubscribe data, but instead is stored in the User table SubscribeOwn field of the Vanilla database.
So far, through brief testing, adding this code has not caused repeat emails to be sent over the same comment in cases where the user who is emailed is subscribed to the entire forum, same cateogry, as well as has "Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions" set to receive comments added to their discussion.
Navigating to the Vanilla "conf" folder and adding this line to the settings.php near the other Notify extension info: $Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_SUBSCRIBEOWN'] = '1';
Then complimented by navigating to Vanilla's extensions folder to the Notify folder, and adding the following code to the defualt.php within the Notify folder - about line248: if ($DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_SUBSCRIBEOWN'] == 1) {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT A.UserID,A.Email,A.FirstName,A.LastName,A.SubscribeOwn,B.AuthUserID, B.DiscussionID FROM ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User AS A, ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."Discussion AS B WHERE B.DiscussionID = '$DiscussionID' AND B.AuthUserID <> '$SelfUser' AND A.UserID <> '$SelfUser' AND B.AuthUserID = A.UserID AND A.Notified = 0 AND A.SubscribeOwn = 1",$DiscussionForm->Context->Database->Connection);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
if (($Whispered == 1 AND $WhisperUserID == $row[0]) OR ($Whispered == 0))
*** the above code should end just above the following line that is included by default: #Add all users who have subscribed to all, aren't already notified except the posting user
Hopefully the above modifications will help make this extension more useful and consistent at least temporarily until the next, more stable version is finished.
In my configuration, I also changed the following line to bypass the 1 email sent limit. As this limitation seems to have been implemented to prevent repeat emails but it appeared that only 1 email would be sent no matter how many comments were posted in different categories (ie users only received emails one time regarding one discussion in one category and never received any other emails informing them about comments posted in other discussions to which they were contributing. Alternately you can very likely just eliminate that mysql_query if you want your users to receive emails everytime a comment is posted to the discussions to which they are subscribing.
Approximately line:313:
(Was) mysql_query("UPDATE ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User SET Notified = 1 WHERE UserID = '$val[0]'"); (Changed - Notified = 1 to Notified = 0) mysql_query("UPDATE ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User SET Notified = 0 WHERE UserID = '$val[0]'");
Wanderer: "I really wish this add-on would work well, busy people rely on it, they cannot visit every day in case something has been added."
Yeah Wanderer, it is definitely a necessary component for conveying up-to-date message board functioning and effectiveness. From sifting through the comments on this extension above it appears that hutstein and some others have been working on it for quite a while and hutstein mentioned above that they may be close to a new version.
Thanks for the info on your "Enable Whisper" configuration.
The checkbox could then default to whatever prior preference the user has set.
Thanks for working on this.
When set to 0, the notify table in the DB just doesn't get poulated at all. it's empty. I tried jprado's code tweak to function.php, but made no difference.
Hope this helps.
Want an option to have an html formatted full text of the comment in users email notifications and not only one notification but all comments.
And the reply link would be nice too and the reply form woulbe grate.(but there are more problems with authentification)
I have used it when admined my last forum, it was so good when you don't have to enter the forum just to see another smile in a comment.
i read all forum messages by email in this way.
if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php','index.php','account.php','categories.php'))) $Head->AddScript('js/prototype.js'); $Head->AddScript('js/scriptaculous.js'); $Head->AddScript('extensions/Notify/functions.js');
Should be replaced by:
if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php','index.php','account.php','categories.php'))) { $Head->AddScript('js/prototype.js'); $Head->AddScript('js/scriptaculous.js'); $Head->AddScript('extensions/Notify/functions.js'); }
Posted: Thursday, 1 November 2007 at 6:09PM
The Ajax doofer seems to run ok, and then the link will change to say "unsubscribe" , but no joy.
Because it appears this extensions relies on the whisper function within vanilla, "ENABLE WHISPERS" had to be activated within my configuration from the Vanilla settings page under the "options" header ("application settings")
However, the subscribe own feature enabled from the "notification" section of the account.php page (Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions), which sends an email to the original poster when the discussion they started receives comments, is still not functioning in my configuration.
The check box(Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions) on Vanilla's account.php ("notification" section) inputs the information into the SubscribeOwn field of the User table in the database, however, Notify's extension default.php does not seem to be properly calling, checking and integrating the LUM_User table, SubscribeOwn field when initiating the sending of the emails.
Seemingly, the emails are being sent BASED ONLY on the information contained within the LUM_Notify table on the database and NOT ALSO BASED on the information within the SubscribeOwn field within the LUM_User table on the databse. So it appears that when subscribing to the entire forum, specific categories or specific discussions via the panel links or notification section of account.php, that information is inputted into the LUM_Notify table and WORKS because that table information is included when checking to send emails but the (Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions) data is inputted into the LUM_User table which appears does NOT WORK because the informaton in that field on that table is not included in the information that is checked and emailed to the appropriate users.
This modification adds a basic call to the User table to get the information needed to email the original author of comments - since, as I stated above, the information stored to identify and email users in situations where comments have been added to their own discussions is not stored in the Notify table, along with the rest of the subscribe/unsubscribe data, but instead is stored in the User table SubscribeOwn field of the Vanilla database.
So far, through brief testing, adding this code has not caused repeat emails to be sent over the same comment in cases where the user who is emailed is subscribed to the entire forum, same cateogry, as well as has "Notify me, when comments are posted in my own discussions" set to receive comments added to their discussion.
Navigating to the Vanilla "conf" folder and adding this line to the settings.php near the other Notify extension info:
$Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_SUBSCRIBEOWN'] = '1';
Then complimented by navigating to Vanilla's extensions folder to the Notify folder, and adding the following code to the defualt.php within the Notify folder - about line248:
if ($DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_SUBSCRIBEOWN'] == 1) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT A.UserID,A.Email,A.FirstName,A.LastName,A.SubscribeOwn,B.AuthUserID, B.DiscussionID FROM ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User AS A, ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."Discussion AS B WHERE B.DiscussionID = '$DiscussionID' AND B.AuthUserID <> '$SelfUser' AND A.UserID <> '$SelfUser' AND B.AuthUserID = A.UserID AND A.Notified = 0 AND A.SubscribeOwn = 1",$DiscussionForm->Context->Database->Connection); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) if (($Whispered == 1 AND $WhisperUserID == $row[0]) OR ($Whispered == 0)) array_push($Notifieusers,array($row[0],$row[1],$row[2],$row[3])); }
*** the above code should end just above the following line that is included by default: #Add all users who have subscribed to all, aren't already notified except the posting user
Hopefully the above modifications will help make this extension more useful and consistent at least temporarily until the next, more stable version is finished.
In my configuration, I also changed the following line to bypass the 1 email sent limit. As this limitation seems to have been implemented to prevent repeat emails but it appeared that only 1 email would be sent no matter how many comments were posted in different categories (ie users only received emails one time regarding one discussion in one category and never received any other emails informing them about comments posted in other discussions to which they were contributing. Alternately you can very likely just eliminate that mysql_query if you want your users to receive emails everytime a comment is posted to the discussions to which they are subscribing.
Approximately line:313:
(Was) mysql_query("UPDATE ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User SET Notified = 1 WHERE UserID = '$val[0]'");
(Changed - Notified = 1 to Notified = 0)
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$DiscussionForm->Context->Configuration['DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX']."User SET Notified = 0 WHERE UserID = '$val[0]'");
If it helps.
However, I have subscribed to the entire forum, not just specific discussions so you may be right about this aspect.
I really wish this add-on would work well, busy people rely on it, they cannot visit every day in case something has been added.