"Father" Categories
I'm new to Vanilla but I'm loving the experience so far.
As I play around with it in an attempt to see if it would be good for an upcoming site I'm developing, I started to ask myself how hard it would be to create "father categories."
Basically, the site I'm creating has a need for a couple hundred categories for sports TEAMS. While I know this might spread the community thin, it's really a necessary evil. The way I thought I might get around this would be to somehow hack Vanilla to assign some kind of father category to a post. So, while a post would be in the category "Soandso TEAM", it would be part of the father category "Soandso SPORT". This way, I could kind of dynamically create a larger discussion group (forum, category, whatever you'd like to call it) around the SPORT.
Now, I'm fairly new so this might exist in some form already and I may have missed it but I figured I'd ask here in the chance that it is not. That being the case, how hard would it be to hack and slash this type of feature in?
Thanks much!
i.e. People can either find a dicussion in two ways but you'll have loads of categories; or; because you have loads of categories, you use eg 10 father categories each of which have 100 sub categories and then you have the associated posts.
IE: Could be helpful in the longrun.