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Multi File Upload



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    Hmm, I shall have a look at that (when I have the time - yeah right... baby imminent). I like the idea that it degrades nicely, although the screenshotted 'skin/style' is a bit 'Janet and John'.
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    I agree, I'm not a fan of the style. I'm not sure how easy it is to change. Btw, what's 'Janet and John'?
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    Hi Guys, well... While the 'Hidden Attachment Options' is an awesome feature all by itself, I really would like to take advantage of the 'Multi-File-Part'. It doesn't work for me. Am I missing something? I guess this: $Context->Configuration['MULTI_FILE_UPLOADS'] = '3'; the line to define the number of (possible) Attachments per post - but no matter what I enter here, I can only select one file. I really think I didn't quite get the concept, could someone please explain it to me?! THANKS! Peace
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    You have to add one file, and after it's added a new box will show up - I agree that it's a little confusing at first, but once you wrap your head around it it's pretty neat.
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    once you've actually selected a file with Browse, it's supposed to add a new file selection box underneath.
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    ...what stash said
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    Wow, you're fast, thanks and yeah, that's how I imagined it to work, actually. But after I add the first file no second file selection box shows up. Is this line I posted above the only one where I have to change the value? Or is there something to change in the multifile.js too? Thanks for any hints and tips! P.S.: - I tried it with Firefox and Safari* - I turned the extension off and back on again - I deleted Multi-File on the Server and uploaded it again *(I'm aware the _upload_ wouldn't work with Safari 2...)
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    OK, weird thing, I didn't change a thing, but now it works in Safari! But since I can't upload with Safari that's not worth much. Lets just wait a few hours, maybe it will start to work in Firefox too... How's that for an approach?! :-)
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    Ctrl+F5 is always a good one to try (or whatever force refresh is if you're on a Mac - Apple+F5? Apple+R?).
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    Yeah, to clean the cache and refresh the site is a habit of mine already. I also purged the cookies and signed off and back on. Now I tried to turn the Extension on from within Firefox and not Safari 'cause I thought that maybe will do. It doesn't. Just to let you know.
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    Link to your site? Perhaps it's something to do with your setup that the extension hasn't taken into account?
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    Thanks for the offer to look into it, how very nice of you. But: I de-installed the 'Aqua Firefox Set'... ...and now the multi file upload works. Thanks again.
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    I've tried this and it didnt work for me, i only tried it in safari, I have tweaked the code though for attachement 2 from that thread to allow safari to upload not sure if that is the reason. Anyone else have this working correctly in safari for mac?
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    I find many PHP scripts that handle file uploads do not work in Safari because they are not well written, or should I say, not properly written.

    I have many forms on the many web sites I have created that upload files perfectly in Safari as well as other browsers.

    Having said that, I'm not sure what exactly needs to be done to fix these errant upload scripts.
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    sad face :(
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    I'm just wondering is there an easy way to reverse the order, so that it's the same as when selecting? Whenever I upload images it always displays the last one first and vice versa.
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    To do that, you just go into the Attachments folder (vanilla/extensions/Attachments/) then open default.php, then go to line 215 which is:
    $s->AddSelect(array('AttachmentID', 'UserID', 'DiscussionID', 'CommentID', 'Title', 'Description', 'Name', 'Path', 'Size', 'MimeType', 'DateCreated', 'DateModified'), 'a');
    and on the next line, add:
    $s->AddOrderBy('AttachmentID', 'a', 'DESC');
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