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Hidden Text 2

KrakKrak New
edited 2008 02 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hidden Text 2


  • Any chance you could make this so only those given permission (via roles) can see the hidden text, while it doesn't show to anyone else?
  • The problem with that is the text is always there. This ext just toggles the css class of the div. So you can always right click, view source, and see the hidden info, or "block comment/user" and see the info.
  • mattmatt ✭✭
    garvin, i think you should try using whispers
  • To enable it to be on by default, make the following changes:

    Line 23:
    $PreferencesForm->AddPreference('Hidden Text', 'Disable Hide hidden text', 'HideHiddenText', 1);
    (change made was adding the word Disable)

    Line 31:
    if (!$Context->Session->User->Preference('HideHiddenText')) {
    (change made was adding the ! infront of context)
  • Uploaded version 1.1 Beta of Hidden Text.
  • Users seem to have a hard time finding the "unhide" button at first. I think it would be a lot better if the (Hidden) part was actually the link to unhide it.
  • Uploaded version 1.2 Beta of Hidden Text.
  • Kronok, wish granted.
  • I just installed the new version and I think it's an excellent addition :) Thanks!
  • i was trying to type hidden text for ages, manually adding the tags to the post. then i realised that you ave to use square brackets - doh! [hide] is the only tag on my board which uses the square brackets, i think it would be much cooler if it was used like this - < hide>spoiler< /hide>. cool, nonetheless.
  • Uploaded version 1.3 of Hidden Text.
  • I rewrote the Readme. Removed the "unhide" link. And removed the beta tag.

    The new Readme can be viewed here
  • Uploaded version 1.4 of Hidden Text.
  • Uploaded version 1.4 of Hidden Text.
  • Uploaded the wrong file, thats why the bot posted twice - whoops.


    Added the ability to change the hidden text marker/link. This is the text that is displayed
    as a place holder of what is hidded. Default is "(Hidden)", but now you may change it to anything
    you like. Simply log in as the administrator and go to the settings tab. On the left pane you will
    now see another option - "Change Hidden Text Marker". Click this and enter your desired text.

    It has not been thoroughly tested so let me know of any kinks.
  • Hm. Is there a way to let useres only see hidden text but not use it?
    We want this plugin to seperate offtopic from relevant posts, so when anyone posts offtopic we put the tags round it, but that doesnt make very much sense when the useres got the ability to use it, too :/
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    How awesome! I was just about to request a spoiler extension and found this at the very top of the add-ons page ;p
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    But the readme is down ;_;
  • ohnoes! Server was down. Looks like apache decided it wanted to go to sleep. Back up now, thanks for the notice.
  • monstr: Not at the moment. But as soon as I have some time (busy with moving atm) I will look into it - but no promises.
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