


  • Has the author thought about making the messages collapsable/closable if the admin so chooses? That would add a whole new dimension to this extension, allowing to display messages to be minimized by the user if he/she wishes to have the information at another time, or close it altogether.
  • morning all... so i added this code into the nugget html box, its basically a weather forecast for san jose costa rica...and works perfectly. However the real question is: after i activated the nugget in the menu, i was unable to move the categories with "drop and drag", it just highlighted the items, but wouldn't move them, but the drag and drop worked in the page management. <div style='width: 120px; height: 60px; background-image: url( ); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #;' ><div style='height: 48px;' ><script src='|CR|CS007|SAN JOSE|&lang=eng&size=7&theme=clouds&metric=1&target=_self'></script></div><div style='text-align: center; font-family: arial, helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; color: #;' ><a style='color: #' href='|CR|CS007|SAN JOSE|&metric=1' >Weather Forecast</a></div></div>
  • hello all

    could someone please suggest why this doesn't work in a panel nugget?

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • I got it to work by adding language="javascript".
  • it didn't work on my forum - must be an extension conflict. thank you for the suggestion though!
  • NB. just noticed there is an extension for the above already, so no need to worry;
  • I get the following PHP Notice when I use Nuggets: Notice: Undefined index: WEBROOT in /var/www/hms/extensions/Nugget/library/Function.Nugget.php(61) : eval()'d code on line 8 How can I fix that? //EDIT: Ok, I fixed it. One of my nuggets tryed to read $Context->Configuration['WEBROOT']. Must be $Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']. elm
  • Does this still only work with Default Vanilla Theme 3 as the sites default theme or does it just have to be available?
  • Does anyone know if the "in comments" weights have been changed? I'd like to put one right at the top of comments. Putting a nugget above the content makes the tables shift when the window gets to small in Internet Explorer. Also it would be cool to have an algorithm that would put one at the bottom of all the comments (because the footer messes up the tables when in IE too).
  • Uploaded version 1.1.6 of Nuggets.
  • extension.php should work. nuggets should detect it. i think you have to enable pages before you enable nuggets then i think it can see it. somewhere on this thread there is mention of extension.php
  • How would I fix this to add the # of comments? There is only a (0) next to the Top Discussions links. <?php $DiscussionIDs = array(4990,4991,19,2,745); // insert your thread ids here $DiscussionManager = $Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($Context, 'DiscussionManager'); echo '<center><div>Top Discussions: '; for ($i=0; $i<count($DiscussionIDs); $i++){ $Discussion = $DiscussionManager->GetDiscussionById($DiscussionIDs[$i]); $UnreadUrl = GetUnreadQuerystring($Discussion, $Context->Configuration, 1); echo '<span><a href="'.$UnreadUrl.'">'.$Discussion->Name.'</a> ('.$Discussion->NewComments.')</span> '; } echo '</div></center>'; ?>
  • I have installed and uploaded the Nuggets extension. When I "cook a nugget", then hit the save button - nothing happens. It just takes me back to the main nugget management pagfe. My nugget does not seem to appear anywhere. I have tried to put a nugget on the "inside panel" and a graphic "above the banner". Am I missing something?
  • Is extensions/Nugget/nugget.php writeable (777)?
  • When I first installed the extension, it did not have the nugget.php file (it only had the nugget.css file). I set the folder, as per the instructions, to writable (777). I did a fresh install of the extension. I went to try it and got the same results. Now when I go to my FTP program, I see the nugget.php file there, with permission set to 644. I changed it to permission 777, but it reverts back to the 644 - it will not keep the writable permission of 777. All it is doing when I try to "cook a nugget" is take me back to the Mugget Management page - with no nugget showing. Any help wpuld be appreciated.
  • ** bump **
  • Nevermind - I got it figured out and it is working fine.
  • TIP: ISSUES WITH PAGE MANAGER I've just spent 4 hours trying to figure out why some pages created in page manager did not show up in the list of pages where nuggets are allowed. The reason turned out to be simple: Nuggets only loops over the VISIBLE TABS. So... if you HIDE a page from the tabs in page manager, it will not show up in this list. Hence, to set the pages where a particular nugget appears, first SHOW all hidden pages in page manager, set the nugget permissions, and then you may HIDE the pages again in page manager. Ideally this add-on would be changed to loop over all pages created in page manager, and list those, not just the visible tab set.
  • Is there a way to modify the above clip of code to make the nugget trigger on all discussions within a specific category?
  • Hey,
    I am having the same problem as WebChap above where after cooking a nugget nothing happens it just takes me back to the Nugget Extension Page. Does anyone know how he got his to work or possible fixes I can try. Thanks
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