Discussion Expiration



  • Are you trying in it IE? If so there is a bug with the javascript. Try it in Firefox. If it works, your setup is fine.

    I have let MySchizoBuddy know and he is looking into it.
  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I use Safari on OSX with MAMP as a localhost.

    The date picker does not display in FF either - I assumed it might be the relative paths or something like that, but in FF, Firebug gives this error:

    $(".date-pick") has no properties
    [Break on this error] $(".date-pick").datePicker();
  • Did you install AND enable jquery? Is it the latest version? It needs it to run and that may be why you are getting that error.

    Outside of that, I don't know. May be a conflict with another extension or some other bug that is specific to safari.
  • JQuery 1.1.6 is what I have - and yes, its enabled. I have JQThickBox too and that works fine, so I don't think its jQuery.

    Don't know about a conflict with another extension - but its not just Safari, the date picker does not show in Firefox either.

    Edit: I have this issue too with another extension:
    Discussion Tags # 20

    Maybe its related?
  • Was jQuery enabled before the other extensions?
  • Yes, it was. I shall remove jQuery and try again, then report back..

    Edit: No change after removing, then replacing jQuery (and enabling it first)
  • Bump...
  • me looking into it.
  • Great! thanks
  • Is it possible to have the discussions deleted upon expiry?
  • yes it is.
    Any one knows of javascript debugging tools for IE6?
  • Oh, thanks!
  • open default.php.
    change line 88 to this

    anything else broken or not.
  • I have adjusted that line, logged out, deleted cache, and re-logged in and no difference.
  • ok Line 110
    change it to this
    $jde(document).ready(function(){ $jde("select.CategorySelect").change(function(){Toggle();}); Toggle(); });
  • Uploaded version 1.0.4 of Discussion Expiration.
  • Okay, I've installed the latest jQuery ext - installed it prior to this install - and still, all I see is this: =============== Below is a list of open discussions with their respective expiration dates. There are no "open" discussions pending expiration. =============== "open" is underlined.
  • well thats because u might not have any discussions pending expiration
    have u tried to expire a discussion
  • Oh.. okay, I see it now. Only the person who starts a discussion, can set the expiration date. Is there any way for the admins to do this category-wide? Also, how can I modify the script to delete instead of close? Thanks btw for the reply..
This discussion has been closed.