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    alight, alright I will do it :D btw. jimw's problem is solved. it just did not work on localhost for some strange reason // edit: sorting by date done in 0.0.1 beta. gonna upload it tomorrow if nothing new comes up
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    awesome! I'm still learning php, spent over an hour on it and gave up for the time being :)
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    LightGallery 0.0.1 beta

    0.0.1 beta
    fix: support BaldursBox which is actually not even public as of the moment of this release
    new: sort images by date instead of file name (config)
    fix: editing settings.php no longer required for update

    0.0.1 alpha
    new: support BaldursBox which is actually not even public as of the moment of this release
    fix: filemtime instead of md5 => much faster, but new thumbs required
    new: style.css for LightGallery
    new: pagination

    update from alpha only if you want your images sorted by filetime!
    0.0.1 final coming soon ;-)

    Download (read readme.txt)
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    I'm trying out your extension and I uploaded 2 pics to it but only one displays.
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    solution: upload smaller images or change hoster
    reason: open in internet explorer
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    I'll translate for AlexL - your current hosting doesn't allocate enough memory to you in order to resize an image that large. Therefore, either ask you host to increase your memory (or move to a host that will give you more memory), or upload smaller files!
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    So how can we allow users to upload pictures to the gallery? thanks, wayne
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    Sry, that feature is not part of LightGallery. I'm working on a "bigger" version already, but have no idea when or even whether I will get it done.
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    In case you would like to see the list of albums formatted a little better in the SidePanel, make the following mod. Instead of using Panel->AddString, you can use Panel->AddList and AddListItem:
    // some space //$Panel->AddString('<br><br><h1>Albums</h1><br>', 100); $Panel->AddList('Albums', 1); /*jimw*/ foreach($cats as $cat) { // count images in each category $counter = 0; $images = getFileList($cat); foreach($images as $image) $counter++; /*$Panel->AddString("<a href='" . GetUrl2('extension.php?PostBackAction=' . LightGalleryID . "&cat=$cat") . "' class=catlink>$cat</a> ($counter)<br>", 100);*/ $Panel->AddListItem('Albums',$cat.' ('.$counter.')', GetUrl2('extension.php?PostBackAction='.LightGalleryID."&cat=$cat")); /*jimw*/ }
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    Thanks AlexL and Stash. Could I also make the thumbnails manually and upload them? Would that work too?
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    @ jimw, thx I will give it a try

    @faeldray, yes. all you need is the right filename. in default.php around line 276 there is a $thumb = ...
    add to the echo line after that:$thumb<hr>so the last line looks like:"' border=0></a>$thumb<hr>";

    then just put your thumbnail(s) in the thumbs dir
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    Uploaded version 0.0.1 of LightGallery.
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    I am getting this error, out of the blue:

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred
    Technical information (for support personel):

    Error Message
    The "LightGallery" class referenced by "LightGallery" does not appear to exist.
    Affected Elements

    Can't seem to figure it out...
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    Can anyone tell me if i could embed YouTube Videos , instead of pictures this way?

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    You could use the JQMedia plugin for that..
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    Really, :P that's awsome, would it be easy to do?
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    Try it and see..
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    is it possible to make a gallery that every user can have an album

    one more thing,
    when u click on the images they get HUGE,
    well some of them do anyway
    and when they do u have to scroll to the other side to find the next button

    how hard was it making this gallery?
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    Hi there.. I am new here, and new to Vanilla. I am loving it, and it suits the purpose we have in mind perfectly. Just trying to fine tune some things to our needs. Have installed Light Gallery and it is working well. I was just hoping someone could point me in the right direction to do some edits. On the page that shows the 'thumbnails' after you have selected a category... I would like to be able to put a link in there. A 'back' link so that it takes people back to the gallery page. Has anyone managed to do this... or know where in the coding I might look to try it?? I am definately not a coder, but I can find my way around to change things etc. Cheers
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    is it possible to make a gallery that every user can have an album
    one more thing,
    when u click on the images they get HUGE,
    well some of them do anyway
    and when they do u have to scroll to the other side to find the next button
    how hard was it making this gallery?
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